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“There’s no need to be like that. I merely wanted to check on you and see if you’re okay.”

“What would you do if I wasn’t?”

He stutters for a moment. I actually used to find it endearing, the way certain things would throw him. Things usually having to do with emotions and humanity and other items outside his comfort zone of topics. Truth is, Sean lived his life behind some mighty high, anally retentive, self-involved walls long before the lockdown happened.

“What if I was sick?” I ask.

“I’m not going to play games with you, Sadie. I don’t have time for that.”

“You know, a new guy moved in next door. We’re getting along so well. In the few days I’ve known him, he’s been more of a friend to me than you ever were. More supportive and sweet and funny. Oh my God, he’s so funny. We always wind up laughing when we’re together, even with everything so dark and scary these days. He’s just more everything, you know?”

“You’re seeing someone new?” he asks, and I can just imagine the expression on his handsome face. Because Sean is hot in his own buttoned-down way. If only his personality wasn’t the worst.

“Okay. Thanks for calling, Sean. This was actually really enlightening and reinforced all the reasons why I dumped you in the first place. Just on the off chance I was having second thoughts. Which I wasn’t.”

“Sadie, if memory serves, you said we could still be friends!”

“When you’ve worked out what it is to actually be someone’s friend, Sean, feel free to give me a call. Stay healthy and safe, okay? Bye.”

And that’s that. Phew.

I tie back my messy hair in a ponytail and empty my bladder. Then I wash my hands while singing the first half of “Don’t Start Now” by Dua Lipa because girl power and you can’t be too careful. You got to spend quality time with the soap and water these days.

Next, I wander through the living/kitchen/dining area straight to the glass doors leading out onto the balcony. It’s wet as heck out there. Raining cats and dogs. No sign of Evan. Sad face emoji. Probably for the best given I’m only in my panties and a faded old tee. Bet I look stellar. Given the time, he’s probably still sleeping. Or maybe he’s on the running machine, what with the crap weather. It’s not like he can do his workout on the balcony today.

In a just and humane world, if I have to be awake at this hour, I should at least get to witness the splendor that is Evan performing lunges. The man has the most amazing thighs. Yesterday he invited me to time my workout with his at nine o’clock. Which I thought was an excellent idea. I could do my yoga while he lifted the weight of all my expectations, emotional baggage, and sexual needs.

All right, so there’s a little dark cloud hanging over my head today and it has nothing to do with hearing from the ex. Mostly. It’s just that for some reason, I have the worst feeling Evan has friend-zoned me. It’s nothing he’s said or done exactly. Just this weird feeling I have. Our flirting is all playful and fun, but… I don’t know. Is it actually going anywhere?

Maybe I’m overreacting. It is a hobby of mine. Not to be indelicate, but the boy is making me horny and it’s not like you can invite someone over for intimate relations these days. Six feet of separation doesn’t allow for anything. Evan and I have talked more than the ex and I ever did and I’d very much like to get closer to him. Problem is, it’s not allowed.

How do you date during quarantine? I guess you don’t.

With a sigh, I head over to my coffee maker. Time to pull my head out of my panties and start my day. First up is to check on Mom and Dad to make sure they’re not planning on inviting anyone over to play cribbage or something. Then answering e-mails, checking messenger, and catching up on social media before I start getting the words down. I may also stress-buy a pair of new jeans or a couple of bottles of wine somehow. You never know. There’re a lot of great sales on right now and it’s important to support local businesses! I also love getting packages in the mail. It feels just like Christmas.

It doesn’t even occur to me until later that I actually chose catching a glimpse of my neighbor over getting an immediate caffeine fix. Huh. How about that? Not many things come between me and my coffee.A cool wet cloth slides across my fevered brow. That’s the first thing I feel upon waking. A sharp pain fills my head, wiping out all chance of coherent thought. When I open my heavy eyelids, it’s to the sight of a handsome chiseled jawline and worried blue eyes.

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance