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Andrei gave a little snort as he settled his head on Lucas’s shoulder. “I’m not the only cuddler.”

“Shut up,” Lucas muttered as he slid his fingers through Andrei’s hair.

Closing his eyes, Lucas welcomed sleep. He didn’t want to think about how his world just felt…better with this man stretched out beside him. More complete. He didn’t want to think about how he longed to ask him about his childhood and if his nose had truly been broken. He didn’t want to think about how he needed more nights like this. Such ideas didn’t fit with his plans. But letting go of Andrei wasn’t an option either.Chapter 15Andrei felt sick. This was going to be ugly. There was no avoiding it. He’d known his course of action since he’d heard the names from Hollis last night. Common sense would have naturally argued that sex was a mistake, knowing what he planned to do, but he’d caved with the first touch of Lucas’s lips.

Hell, Lucas’s smile was burned into his brain. It cut through everything, pushing him to say ridiculous, teasing things so it would keep reappearing. He was addicted to that slow, lazy grin and the unspoken promise behind it.

Fuck, he was going to destroy that smile. If he’d learned anything during his short time with Lucas it was that the man was incredibly protective and possessive. Something had changed between them, even before Andrei had begged Lucas to fuck him. And Andrei’s plan was going to make it impossible for Lucas to protect him.

Rowe would need little convincing. His priority was keeping Lucas safe and this plan would end the threat to his friend. No, the problem was going to be Lucas.

Leaning against the wall in Rowe’s office just behind his boss, he could stare at Lucas all he wanted without Rowe being aware of it. Lucas was doing an excellent job of ignoring him as they talked about the few things they’d discovered. It was only when Rowe went digging in his desk for something that Lucas dared to flick his eyes up to Andrei, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Andrei couldn’t even fake a smile.

“Are you sure you never heard who was masterminding the fights?” Rowe demanded, swinging suddenly around in his chair to look at Andrei

“Never,” Andrei shook his head. “There were plenty of middle men running around, lining up fights and handling the money. No one cared so long as they got paid.”

Rowe frowned, staring at Andrei as a grim look entered his gaze. Andrei had a feeling his boss was starting to have the same thought, formulating the same plan.

The door opened suddenly, stopping either man from speaking, and Hollis strolled in wearing his usual leather jacket, rumpled shirt and jeans. The circles under his eyes weren’t any darker so maybe the man had managed to catch a few hours of sleep since they’d last seen him. His dirty blond hair was a disheveled mess from him running his hands through it one too many times.

“Do you have any idea how sick I am of seeing you two?” he announced, pointing from Andrei to Lucas.

“Trust me, Detective, the feeling is more than mutual.” Lucas frowned as the other man dropped into a chair beside him in front of Rowe’s desk. Lucas had opted for slacks and soft V-neck charcoal gray sweater that made him look as if he was ready for a fashion magazine photo shoot. Two men couldn’t have been more different.

“Look, Vallois, I’m not in the mood to play today. I’m tempted to run your adorable boy toy in after he lied to me last night.”

Andrei curled his lip—not liking the boy toy tag at all.

Lucas shifted in his seat, sitting a little straighter. Muscles jumped in his jaw as he clenched his teeth. Fucking Hollis was playing with fire and there was no missing the fact that Lucas was more than willing to tear into the man. Andrei wasn’t liking the cop too much either, but this was not going to help him at all.

“How about I tell you everything I know after you tell us what you got out of the men you interrogated last night?” Andrei interjected wearily. It was better to head this off now before it escalated. They had bigger issues coming.

Hollis made a face, seeming to think about Andrei’s proposal. Of course, the cop was telling them the truth. He could haul Andrei in on obstruction charges and make him spill what he knew, but it was always so much easier when everyone was playing nice.

“Fine,” Hollis said in a huff. “None of the men could give me a name for the person gunning for Vallois. They claim to have no idea why they were shooting at him. The orders arrive by courier. All three are in deep at the Locker.”

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Unbreakable Bonds Romance