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Andrei’s eyes dropped to Lucas’s chest and his body stiffened to Lucas’s surprise. “Did not. You just weren’t getting blood to your brain anymore.”

Lucas pushed against Andrei, putting the man on his back again so Lucas could hover over him. “No. You were shouting in another language when you came. What was it?”

A frown played on Andrei’s lips and he looked anywhere but Lucas’s eyes. “Romanian,” he mumbled.

Lucas couldn’t hide his shock. “You speak Romanian?” It wasn’t a language that Andrei would have learned in school and he had to imagine that he must be fluent if he slipped unconsciously into it.

Andrei’s eyes darted up to Lucas, looking completely uncomfortable with the conversation. “My family is Romanian. My grandparents moved to the U.S. when my mom was a teenager. My father is Romanian too. I grew up learning both English and Romanian.”

“I don’t understand. Why does that bother you?”

Andrei shrugged. “Grew up hearing a lot of Roma and gypsy bullshit. Gets old fast when people automatically assume you’re a thief or a con man because you’re Romanian.”

Leaning forward, Lucas pressed his lips against Andrei’s temple, soothing some of the tension. “But it’s incredibly sexy,” he whispered, earning a small laugh from Andrei. “Hearing you lose control like that made me come.”

“You’re ridiculous,” Andrei said, but his voice was warm and smooth like honey again.

“Say something else.”


“Do it,” he pressed. “Please.”

Andrei rattled something off, the foreign words wrapped in his deep voice, so they sounded incredibly sexy and inviting. Lucas pulled back to look Andrei in the eye. “What did you say?”

“Your monkey has stolen my bicycle.”

Lucas fell against the bed, his laughter filling the room. He leaned forward, grabbing Andrei’s mouth in a rough, brief kiss. “And you call me ridiculous.”

“Well, you are the man who just fucked his bodyguard. You can’t get more ridiculous than that,” Andrei said with a derisive snort. “I mean, they’ve made sappy chick movies about that shit.”

“I don’t think we’re what Hollywood has in mind.”

Andrei stretched beside him, still grinning. “Damned shame, because you are one sexy motherfucker when you’re coming, shouting my name at the top of your lungs.”

Lucas couldn’t tear his eyes away from Andrei. His happiness was infectious. Dark eyes danced with laughter and the world just felt lighter. Did he share that lightness with the world or was it just his as they lay alone in his bedroom looking down on Cincinnati? Something incredibly possessive raised its head. He’d been Andrei’s first, and he already wanted to do it again. Lucas tamped the feeling down, enjoying instead the shiver that swept through Andrei as Lucas ran his hand over Andrei’s chest. He was amazingly responsive and that was a high all on its own. Lucas wanted to fuck Andrei all over again, but he held back. Andrei had already made a comment about being tender. He didn’t want to hurt him.

This was nothing like the casual fucks he’d enjoyed in the past. Walk away from Andrei? Hell no! Walking away meant allowing someone else to touch him and kiss him and fuck him. And while Lucas wasn’t willing to think about whether he could have a tomorrow with Andrei, he knew without a doubt that he couldn’t let him go to someone else.

“What’s wrong?” Andrei demanded, jerking Lucas from his dark thoughts. “You’re scowling.”

“Thinking about tomorrow,” Lucas mumbled as he pushed to his feet. He grabbed his pants and pulled out his cell phone.

“Everything okay?” Andrei demanded, leaning up on his forearms to watch Lucas.

“Just telling Candace to cancel my meetings tomorrow.” He typed out a quick text to his assistant.

“Playing hooky?”

“We’ve got other things to take care of tomorrow.”

Andrei grunted, his smile sliding away. Reality was crashing back in around them, destroying the remains of the moment. Lucas instantly wanted to take the words back, but it was too late. It was time they both remembered they had problems that needed to be dealt with.

“Should I go back to my room? Would it make you more comfortable?”

Lucas shook his head as he reached for the bedside lamp and turned the light off. More comfortable? Yeah, it probably would. Lucas had never slept with someone after sex. He’d always been happy to send them on their way. But not this time.

“It’s going to be a hassle to come get you when I wake up needing to fuck you in a few hours.” Lucas pulled the blankets down to slide into the bed.

Andrei rolled to his feet and quickly joined Lucas under the covers. “I would hate to inconvenience you.”

A smile played on Lucas’s lips as he relaxed in the bed with Andrei beside him. He managed to fight the urge for all of five seconds before he growled and grabbed Andrei, manhandling him until he was wrapped around Lucas. It was the same position they’d fallen asleep in the previous night and it settled a lingering ache in Lucas’s chest.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Unbreakable Bonds Romance