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“The Locker?” Lucas asked, looking over at Andrei.

“Local name for the underground fights,” Andrei replied, crossing his arms over his chest as he grew more uncomfortable under Hollis’s cold gaze. “Anything else?”

“Altura Unlimited LLC.”

“What’s that?”

“The company that owns the abandoned warehouse where the fights were held last month. Also, the same company that put a bid on the land that Lucas owns in Price Hill.”

Lucas’s frown deepened and he turned his gaze to Rowe. “I bet that’s not the only thing this company has been involved in. We need to do some digging.”

Rowe grunted, pushing to his feet. “Find the owner.” He walked around to the door and jerked it open, half hanging out. The office was up on the second floor of an old warehouse that had been remodeled. The first floor was more of a training center so that Rowe could be sure that his people were being trained in the latest fighting and defensive techniques. “Hey! Where the hell is Gidget?” Someone shouted back, but Andrei couldn’t make out the words. “Send her up here now!”

Turning back, Rowe flopped down in his chair behind the desk, his worried eyes flashing back over to Andrei. “If we find the owner of Altura, can we actually tie the attempts on Lucas to him?”

“You’re going to need more,” Hollis chimed in. “A lot more. But it would be a solid start considering we’ve got nothing more than a bunch of fighters with a hard on for Vallois.”

“And Thomas Lynton,” Lucas added.

Hollis’s lips twisted into a wicked grin. “So you know about him too?”

“I’ve got connections.”

“What else have you discovered that you haven’t thought to share with the CPD?”


“I find that hard to believe,” Hollis snarled. “We’re at risk, trying to protect your sorry ass—”

“Actually, the only one risking anything is Andrei,” Lucas corrected sharply. “From what I’ve seen, you’re just following along on our heels like a mongrel begging for scraps.”

Hollis lurched to his feet, shoving his chair away so that the legs scraped loudly along the hardwood floor. Lucas was up just as quickly, his fists balled at his side. Andrei rolled his eyes to see Rowe lean back in his chair, the hint of a smile already on his face, his hands folded over his stomach as if he was content to sit back and watch the fight. His boss was no help. Andrei jumped between Lucas and Hollis, pushing them apart.

“This isn’t helping,” Andrei growled.

“I’m sick of doing all the work for him,” Lucas snapped.

“I—” Hollis started, but he was interrupted by a new voice.


All four men turned instantly toward the door to find a small blonde in a flower-patterned ankle-length skirt and a modest white blouse. Her gamine face was alight with joy as she stared at Andrei.

“Hey Jen,” Andrei replied, dropping his hands from Lucas and Hollis to turn completely to face her.

She immediately launched herself at him, wrapping her arms around his waist while the top of her head barely reached his shoulder. “It’s so good to see you again. Between this new job and the last, I haven’t seen you in weeks. Are you finally back?”

“Not quite.” Andrei looked over the woman’s head at Lucas. The man was a storm cloud ready to rain destruction down on all of them, and the focus of his ire was the tiny woman in his arms. Andrei couldn’t have stopped the smirk that pulled at his lips if his life had depended on it. Lucas was jealous. He was so jealous that he was about to rip into a woman who was completely oblivious to his claim. Jen could never be more than a little sister to him and that suited both of them just fine.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Mr. Ward.” She looked around Andrei at Rowe. “I didn’t mean to interrupt. Daniel said that Andrei was back and I had to pop in for a visit before he disappeared again.”

“I was looking for you anyway, Gidget,” Rowe said with a dismissive wave of his hand. “I’ve got a job.”

“Oh!” She lit up even more. “How can I help?”

“This is your hacker?” Hollis demanded incredulously. “She looks like a fucking kindergarten teacher.”

Andrei fought to pick between the urges to gather Jennifer close or break Hollis’s nose. But there was no need. She could more than handle herself.

“And who are you?” she asked crisply, slipping into what Andrei thought of as her mom voice.

“Detective Banner. Hollis.” Andrei said, grinning.

“Your attitude is very unkind, Detective.” She narrowed her eyes. “I’m sure that you were raised to treat strangers and ladies far better than that. I’m also sure you have no wish to dishonor your family in such a disgraceful manner.”

Hollis blushed and actually took a step backward. “No, ma’am. My apologies.”

Lucas snickered and Jen’s eyes snapped to him. Lucas narrowed his own gaze on the woman and his grin became positively evil. Andrei could almost hear Lucas begging for the woman to give him shit because he was aching to snap at her. She still had her arm around Andrei’s waist. A shiver ran through Andrei. Lucas’s jealousy burned hot enough to singe.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Unbreakable Bonds Romance