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Andrei straightened, feeling the blush creep back into his cheeks at Ian’s words, but there was no mistaking his meaning. He’d already seen hints of it with Lucas. The right touch, a slight brush or caress to manipulate Lucas one way or another. Yes, Lucas was dominating, but he turned himself practically inside-out trying to give Andrei as much pleasure as possible. It was a subtle power, but it was intoxicating all the same.

“But the key is finding the right person,” Ian stressed, his smile disappearing completely. “Lucas is a great guy and I love him. I’d do anything for Lucas, but for you, is he the right person?” He shrugged.

“I think…I’d like the chance to find out.”

This time Ian’s smile was sad and a little pitying. “I hope he gives you the chance.” Ian turned and folded the dishtowel in his hand before placing it next to the sink. “Oh and being gay doesn’t change who you are. At the end of the day, you’re still Andrei Hadeon, badass bodyguard.”

Andrei gave a little snort. “And you’re Ian Pierce, kickass chef who is on the fast track to making me fat.”

“And don’t worry. I won’t say anything to Rowe. It may seem like we tell each other everything, but…well…there’s nothing to tell.”

After Andrei locked the door behind Ian, he did a quick sweep of the first floor before heading up to the second. He glanced in the guest bedroom, placing his gun on the bureau, before peeking into Lucas’s bedroom to find it empty. He continued on to the office where Lucas was pacing behind the desk with his cell phone to his ear. When he caught sight of Andrei, he held up one finger, keeping him from backing out of the room again. Lucas issued a couple of sharp orders and then ended the call.

Coming around the desk, Lucas wrapped his arms around Andrei, being careful not to touch his back while pulling him flush against him. The kiss was rough and hungry. Andrei pulled back, nipping at Lucas’s lips, teasing him before Lucas finally captured his head again with one hand twisted in his hair so that they could resume the passionate kiss that had started between them. Andrei couldn’t believe how much he loved the way Lucas took control, setting a fire between them that was burning away all of Andrei’s doubts and lingering hang-ups. Ian’s warning words, while well meaning, were forgotten under the onslaught of strong hands exploring his body and intoxicating kisses.

Lucas pulled away, moving to rub his nose along Andrei’s cheek. “Thank you,” he said roughly.

“For the kiss?”

“For Ian. You made him happy. I’m…I’m not good at it sometimes.”

“He doesn’t need to suffer because we’re a pair of jackasses.”

Lucas huffed a laugh before turning his face back for another kiss. It was like they couldn’t get enough of each other.

Andrei groaned when Lucas’s hands slipped inside of his boxers and cupped his ass, pulling his groin more tightly against Lucas’s. “Should we continue this in the shower? I’m curious as to what you look like pinned against the wall, coming on my chest.”

Lucas jerked away from him suddenly. He held out one hand toward Andrei as if to keep the man at arm’s length. “No.”


“I have to be in the office in an hour.”

Andrei licked his lips and a shudder went through Lucas. “I’m pretty sure I can get you to come in less than an hour.”

“No doubt, but then I’ll want to get you off. And we’d be useless after that.”


“Fuck yes,” Lucas moaned as he turned toward the door.

Andrei caught him before he could reach the hall, wrapping one strong arm around the other man’s chest while pulling Lucas’s back against his chest. Andrei buried his face in Lucas’s neck, his hot breath dancing along his ear. “Are you going to think about me when you jerk off in the shower?”

“Yes,” Lucas hissed, tilting his head to the side as Andrei ran the tip of his tongue along his earlobe.

Andrei slid his hand along Lucas’s stomach and down into his loose pants. A loud moan slipped from Lucas as Andrei wrapped his fingers around his hard cock and slowly stroked him. His thumb swept lightly over the engorged tip, sliding over the pre-come that was leaking from him. His own cock swelled painfully and he moaned, thrusting his hips against Lucas’s ass. They were both on edge, needing relief, but the desperate rush was also part of the fun. Andrei kept up with the motion only until Lucas jerked his hips higher, seeking even more friction before he released him and stepped back.

“Just to get you started,” Andrei taunted. When Lucas looked back over his shoulder, Andrei lifted the finger he’d run over the head of Lucas’s dick to his mouth and licked it, his hot gaze never wavering from Lucas’s face.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Unbreakable Bonds Romance