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It almost sounded like a growl escaped Lucas, but he shook his head and continued down the hall to his bedroom. “Longest fucking day ever,” he muttered under his breath.

Yeah, but Andrei was pretty sure that Lucas was going to be a hell of a lot of fun when they got home that night.Chapter 12Lucas’s office was enormous. Andrei tried not to gape when his gaze skimmed over the two walls of windows that looked out on the Ohio River, the long board room table, and the scattering of modern furniture that contrasted strangely with the old-fashioned dark mahogany desk. The office was bigger than his entire apartment. Andrei ruefully shook his head, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach. This was a different world entirely.

Candace attempted to follow Lucas into his office as soon as he and Andrei arrived, but Lucas cut her off, telling her to come back in twenty minutes, giving them a short time alone. Andrei watched Lucas as he stood in front of his desk, his hands opening and closing at his sides as if he were suddenly uneasy. So reminiscent of their first day together when Lucas simply didn’t know what to do with him. Was that truly just three days ago? It felt like so much more time had passed. He knew this man. Didn’t he? As Lucas’s expression hardened, settling into the cold businessman that he presented to the world, Andrei began to doubt that he did.

“I don’t expect to need to leave my office today,” Lucas announced. “I’ll have my meetings in here.”

“That’ll make things easier. I’ll stay out of the way.” Andrei pointed toward a chair in the corner of the office with a little reading lamp beside it. “No one will notice I’m there.”

“I will.”

Andrei frowned. “I can sit outside your office. In the reception area. Screen people before they walk in.”

“No,” Lucas said sharply. “You’re in here. Can’t give Rowe an excuse to fire you.”

Andrei stared at the man, unable to tell if he was joking or if he was completely serious until Lucas smirked slightly. It was on the tip of his tongue to mention the threat he’d apparently delivered in the hospital, but he swallowed the words. Now was not the time to get into that.

“Candace will bring lunch at one. Sushi, I think.” He motioned off to a door half hidden behind a large palm. “That’s my private bathroom and there’s a mini fridge under the bar there with juice, water, and tea if you need something to drink.”

Andrei frowned as he looked around the office. “I forgot the book I was reading,” he mumbled and then looked over at Lucas. “I was cruelly distracted this morning.” Lucas fought back his own grin as he stepped behind his desk. They’d run into each other in the hall as they finished dressing. Several heated kisses later, Lucas had been forced to turn back for a new shirt because the one he had been wearing was suddenly missing most of its buttons.

Lucas picked up a bag with the name of a local bookseller on the front and handed it over to Andrei. “Candace picked these up yesterday for you. Hopefully there is something in there that you will enjoy.”

Andrei’s jaw dropped to see close to twenty paperbacks in the bag. He glimpsed over some of the covers. All appeared to be science-fiction or fantasy, the hottest titles on the market and most he’d not found a moment to pick up himself. Not one client had ever thought of his comfort or entertainment while he passed a long day in relative boredom. He’d suffered long days and nights, cold, starving, and sleepless to keep his clients safe. Lucas was the first person to treat him as a human being and not as a piece of furniture or lifeless weapon.

“Thank you,” Andrei said, unable to lift his voice above a rough whisper. His hands tightly clutched the plastic bag so that it loudly crinkled. “I’ll pay you back for these. I—”


Andrei jerked at the unexpectedly harsh tone. He blinked, surprised to find Lucas glaring at him. “What?”

“If this desk wasn’t separating us right now, I’d be kissing you so stop.”

“Sorry?” Andrei grinned.

Lucas sighed and continued in a low voice as if he were afraid someone would overhear him. “No kissing in the office. No…anything here. Just go sit.”

Andrei nodded and turned away, heading to the chair in the corner. “Yes, Mr. Vallois.”

“And that’s another thing,” Lucas said, halting Andrei. “Never call me that again.”

“What? Mr. Vallois?”

“Yes,” Lucas hissed. “It sounds wrong now. Don’t say that.”

Andrei nearly laughed out loud. Lucas looked so frustrated and twisted up that Andrei wanted to have pity on the man, but he just couldn’t. He walked over to the desk, standing close enough that his thighs were pressed against the front. “And what am I supposed to call you? Sir?”

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Unbreakable Bonds Romance