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“Hold on,” Dom murmured before bending to get another handful of water in his mouth to swish out the last of the toothpaste. His ass bumped into Abe’s groin, and he saw the naughty smile flit across Abe’s mouth before he grabbed Dom’s hips and rubbed his dick against Dom’s towel-covered ass.

Even with the slight throb in his head, his interest perked up. He turned around and gasped when Abe picked him up and plopped him—still gently—onto the counter. He then pulled the towel free to let it drape to the sides. Dom spread his legs and tugged Abe between them for a kiss.

“You scared the shit out of me today,” Abe whispered against his mouth. “You’re not allowed to do damn fool things like go off alone again.”

Ooh, bossy Abe was fun. “I’m in danger like that all the time.”

“Not like that, you aren’t. From everything you’ve told me, your brother is a nightmare. You’ve got people who back you up on the job. You should have asked one of them or me to come with you.”

“Did I tell you that seeing your face, seeing that you came for me, did something funny to my heart?” He ran the pad of his thumb over Abe’s bottom lip.

“Did it? Maybe that’s because it’s mine.”

Dom’s belly quivered when Abe sucked his thumb into his mouth. He ran his tongue over it, then hollowed his cheeks and sucked on it.

“Fuck,” Dom whispered, the word cutting off when Abe reached around him and groped for something on the counter. He came back with the lotion and he pumped a huge glob into his hand. “Okay,” Dom breathed. “This is getting interesting.”

Abe stepped close, making Dom widen his legs more, and took them both in his hand. He coated their cocks with lotion, his fingers tight as he slid his fist up and down.

Dom’s eyes fell shut, and his head went back.

“Put your arms around my neck,” Abe ordered in a low, gritty tone.

Complying, Dom scooted until his ass was nearly hanging off the towel-covered counter. He thrust up into that warm, slippery fist, his eyes rolling back in his head. “S’good.”

“Everything with you is good.” Abe twisted his hand every time he got to the top, rubbing their tips together. He kissed Dom’s neck and opened his mouth over Dom’s collarbone, licking the sweat that was starting to pool there and making Dom squirm harder. He came up and kissed the scruff on his jaw he’d been about to shave. “You are so fucking stunning.”

Abe made him feel that way. He wondered if the man had any idea of how he looked at Dom. How he had been looking long before he’d decided to give them a try. When Abe suddenly tightened his fist and sped up his movements, Dom had to grab on to his shoulders.

“Yeah,” he yelled before snapping his mouth shut because the vague thought of Garrett downstairs was slightly alarming. Not that he cared really—Garrett would know full well what they were doing up here in the master bathroom.

Abe was panting against his neck and coming up on his toes, his hips snapping in time with his hand. Dom was dizzy with how fucking hot this was—basically, getting jacked off on a bathroom counter. He loved that Abe was taller, so this even worked.

He grabbed Abe’s head and brought him in for a kiss and when Abe did that thing with his tongue on Dom’s bottom lip, he felt the tell-tale tingling at the base of his spine. He opened his mouth and moaned as that talented tongue entered his mouth. Abe deepened the kiss, still jacking them together, still with the sexy-as-fuck twist every time he got to the top. Dom imagined that was how he masturbated, and just that image in his head was enough to send him over.

Every muscle in his body snapped taut, and his breath shuddered once, twice, and then blinding pleasure hit him as he shot up between them.

“Hell yeah,” Abe breathed. “Come for me, baby.”

He gritted his teeth, managing to hold on long enough to watch as Abe’s eyes flared open wide and a hoarse cry spilled from his lips. His big body bucked against Dom’s as he came and kept coming.

When it seemed Abe’s legs shook, Dom chuckled and grabbed on to him, wrapping both legs around Abe’s back. Their mixed semen slid between them and it felt so erotic, Dom smashed his mouth onto Abe, who kissed him back with just as much fire. It lasted a long, long time—until Dom had to tear himself away to suck air into his lungs. He heaved and grinned at Abe, whose smile back was crooked and so damn beautiful, Dom caught his breath.

That damn L word was on the tip of his tongue, shaking and ready to jump so damn badly. He did. He loved the older man and in that moment, he knew he would do anything to convince him of it.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Ward Security Romance