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My sister was within a stone’s throw of me, and I was freaking out.

My palms were sweating, and I was close to hyperventilating.

I was also looking at the door like it was a snake about to strike.

With no other recourse, I ran.

Opening the window, I yelled for Mace in my mind, and he flew up from the shadows like he’d been shot.

The moment he was close enough, I launched myself from my bedroom window, which happened to be two stories up, and landed on Mace’s back with a thump.

Mace either didn’t notice the graceless move or didn’t care, because he didn’t comment at all, which he would’ve normally done.

However, my mood must’ve made itself known because he flew without me ordering him to, and we were high in the sky before he said his first word.

You’re running.

Yes, I replied.

What’s wrong?

“Why do you care?” I asked him acerbically.

Because, young master, I’ve always cared. It’s easier for you to think that I don’t care than for you to think that I do. I would’ve never gotten as far as I have, had you realized how much I truly do care about you.

I froze at those words.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, worry stiffening my spine.

If I’d been like Keifer, caring about you almost from the moment he realized you were a dragon rider, what would you think of me? Would it be the same as you thought of him? Keifer loves you. Jean Luc cares deeply. Everyone does. They’re scared of you, but they’d be lost without you. You offer them quiet balance that they otherwise wouldn’t have, and you’re always there for each of them without having to be asked twice. Keifer knows your worth. Why do you think he tries to get you to move to the sanctuary so often?

I closed my eyes and thought about that. Thought about everything really, and I realized two things.

One, I was being a coward.

Two, I wasn’t alone and never really had been. I’d isolated myself in my house, but I’d never actually been alone.

Jean Luc came over every day before his shift and shot the shit with me until our shifts started.

Derek asked my opinions on certain bills or laws that the government was enacting, trying to garner my opinion on them before they actually took effect.

Ford and Alaric, before they’d been sent to different sanctuaries to protect them, had come over every Monday night and watched Monday Night Football with me during football season.

Keifer came over every morning to hear reports, then to reiterate that he’d love for me to move into the sanctuary.

Then there was Nikolai extending the sanctuary’s shield to protect my house.

Then there was Wink.

Although she hadn’t known me as long as the other dragon riders, she knew me better than them all.

She wanted me to meet my sister, and she would know best, as one of my sister’s best friends, then I was willing to meet her.

“Take me home” I ordered Mace.

Mace banked hard right, and then we were heading in the opposite direction.Chapter 13If you’re ever in a fight with a woman, and she says, ‘Wow’ and then proceeds to adjust her ponytail, you should probably run.

-Fact of Life


“What are you talking about?” my best friend practically yelled. “Dragons? Are you fucking crazy?”

I smiled.

“Dragons,” I said. “Let me have your hand.”

I held my hand out for her to place hers in mine, and proving that she trusted me despite my crazy talk, she gave me her hand and waited patiently.

I grinned at Mattie and closed my eyes, opening the gift like Ian had mentioned to me earlier in the night.

To my amazement, the practice worked and everything that I ever needed to know about Mattie appeared in my brain like it’d been there all along.

“What did I tell you about eating all that chocolate cake,” I opened my eyes and glared at my friend. “You know what it does to your stomach.”

Mattie grimaced.

“I’m a stress eater,” she said defensively. “You know that.”

I grinned and let go of her hand.

“You’ve had two broken bones in your life. You ate fish and peas for lunch, a cheeseburger and onion rings for a snack around two, three pieces of chocolate cake for dinner, and five tacos from Taco Bell on your way here.” I ticked off the things she’d eaten in the last six hours, and watched as Mattie’s face contorted in amazement.

“You’re not shitting me,” she whispered. “Holy fucking shit! And your neck tattoo looks cool and all, but you won’t be able to go out into general population with that on your neck. And there is still the mystery man that you haven’t introduced me to yet. And, furthermore, you missed three appointments this week. I can’t believe you did that. You know how important it is to establish one’s portfolio. Not to mention they already left bad reviews on your website about how you pawned them off on your colleague at the last minute.”

Tags: Lani Lynn Vale I Like Big Dragons Erotic