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“What do you mean?” she asked, leaning back onto two elbows in the bed.

“I can see the DNA of your son wrapped around you like a coat…or whatever,” I said, running my hand in the air around her. “It’s freaking cool.”

Her mouth dropped open in surprise.

“Son?” Blythe asked in surprise.

“Son?” Brooklyn parroted.

I nodded. “Yes. Son.”Chapter 6Just when I think stuff is looking up, life bitch slaps me and reminds me that it’s not.

-Ian’s secret thoughts


“What did my daughter say to you?” Keifer growled in frustration. “And what the hell is going on with you and my brother?”

I looked over at Farrow, wondering if he was going to address this, but he looked away to stare out the window.

I sighed.

“Your brother’s a fucking dumbass who tried to buy drugs from his girlfriend’s neighbor,” I said. “And when your brother brought the freaky fucker’s attention to the girl, the girl got dead because your brother liked to fuck her in the hallway.”

Farrow’s fists clenched.

“Guy didn’t much like the object of his obsession getting fucked in the hallway, so the next time he saw her there alone, he killed her because she was a ‘slut’, according to him,” I continued, watching Farrow’s face as I explained.

Keifer stiffened, and Nikolai growled in frustration.

“Seriously, Farrow?” Nikolai surprised me by being the one to speak. “Drugs? Is that what it’s come down to?”

Farrow stiffened even more, turning to look at his brothers.

“You don’t know what it’s like,” he said. “I can’t stop the voices. They’re killing me.”

“Do you think we all harnessed these fucking powers in a day?” Keifer asked in a deceptively calm voice. “We didn’t. In fact, I still learn new fucking things every fucking day, yet you don’t see me turning into a little bitch and using drugs when I’m faced with difficult and complex situations or problems. And, by the way, little brother, I’m faced with those kinds of problems every hour of every fucking day.”

Farrow shrugged.

“Don’t know what to tell you. I’m not you,” he said. “And thanks to him, I now have to figure out an alternate path.”

“What do you mean by ‘thanks to him?’” Keifer asked, glancing at me before returning to Farrow.

Farrow looked at me in disgust.

“He fucking fucked with my goddamn brain, and now every time I even think about drugs, I get a splitting headache that brings me to my knees,” Farrow said.

Nobody said anything, and I had a feeling that they agreed with my methods.

They may not like that they did, but they were appreciative nonetheless.

Keifer sighed.

“Fucking wonderful. At least something’s going our way today,” Keifer muttered.

His gaze swept back to me and he crossed his arms.

“Now, tell me what that was that passed between you and my daughter earlier,” Keifer ordered.

I sighed and turned to look out the window.

“Nothing happened or ‘passed’ as you say,” I said. “I can just read her. I know.”

“You know what?” Keifer asked tiredly.

“That she dream walks. Your son isn’t your son…”Chapter 7I was asked why I use the f-bomb so much. I replied with, “What the fuck is an F-bomb?”

-Why Ian can’t be taken to nice places


The moment Kiefer’s hand smashed into my face, I was running.

Not because I was scared of Keifer, but because the motherfucker had hit me.

And whatever happened to me was now transferred to my mate.

My mate.

Even the words sounded foreign to me, but it was what it was.

I hit the stairs at a dead run, wiping blood away from my nose as I went.

It kept pouring out, so I ignored it in favor of concentrating on the steps.

I was glad I did as I came up to the last one and found Wink lying at the top of them, unconscious from the psychic blow she’d just received.

Keifer’s fist slamming into my face had hurt like a motherfucker, but it’d only stunned me for seconds at most.

Keifer’s punch straight to Wink’s face, psychic as it was, was not only enough to stun her, but it’d knocked her out cold.

“Wink,” I whispered, dropping down to my knees on the top step and bending over so I could run a scan.

Placing my hand on her cheek, I closed my eyes and let my mind drift out of my own body and into hers.

Doing this left me vulnerable, but I knew I was safe here among the dragon riders, despite the fact that Keifer had just punched me in the face, and essentially, my mate.

He hadn’t thought through the consequences of his actions, otherwise he would’ve never hit me, which, in turn, hurt Wink.

That didn’t mean I didn’t want to punch the shit out of him.

But I, at least, thought about the consequences of my actions.

Meaning I didn’t beat the shit out of the motherfucker like I wanted to do.


“Shit. Fuck,” Keifer said from the stairs behind me.

Tags: Lani Lynn Vale I Like Big Dragons Erotic