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He continued to look at her breasts with pleasure and lust painted on his face. He seemed to wait for her to respond. Ryn had no idea what that response should be. She should have watched more porn over the years.

Mental note: Google semen on breasts.

What would a “fucking goddess” do? Gather it in her hands and slurp it up? Smear it all over like lotion or an expensive moisturizer? Too weird.

“Clean up your mess … now.” She tipped her chin up and gave him a stern look while holding her breath. Breathing would have turned into laughing, at herself of course, because it took forty years for a man to jerk off on her breasts and when it finally happened she had no clue how to react. Her words were effortless even instinctual. She’d said the same thing to Maddie over the years about her bedroom.

Jackson raised a single brow, one side of his mouth curling into a sexy smile. Keeping his eyes locked to hers as if he could break her façade, he grabbed a bottle of shower gel and squirted it onto her breasts much like he did with his semen. Ryn gritted her teeth, holding strong. He smeared the soap over her chest, giving extra attention to her nipples. It felt good, too good, trying-to-make-her-break good.

Like the fucking goddess she was, Ryn held strong and made it out of the shower without begging for anything else, but just barely.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Watching Jessica sleep had become Luke’s favorite part of every morning. He loved the way her lips twitched into a smile and each breath sounded like a sigh of contentment. Did she dream of him?

His heart rate increased as she stretched her naked body like a cat across the bed. When her eyes fluttered open he smiled a big, goofy clown smile, but he couldn’t help it.

“I probably should be creeped out…” she yawned through her words “…that you’re always standing in the doorway staring at me when I wake.” Scooting to a sitting position, she wrapped a blanket around her shoulders. “But then I realize … you’re standing in a doorway—an exit—in case you have to flee from the monster, and that’s the biggest downer ever.”

Luke pushed off the door frame and moved to the bed. Without hesitation she pulled him back into bed and straddled his body.

“Stop calling the woman I love a monster.”

She licked up his neck, another cat-like move.

“I’m sweaty.”

“Mmm … I see you went for a run without me again.”

Luke palmed her bare ass, squeezing her tight glutes. “You slow me down.”

She dug her teeth into his neck over his carotid and growled. “You’re so full of shit. Just admit it … I’m bad for your ego.”

He chuckled. “Aside from your brother, I don’t think there’s a male ego in existence that stands a chance around you. You are a true man-eater.”

“Did you take our baby with you?”

“About that … it’s possible Jones might not be coming home with us.”

Jessica sat up. “Say what?”

“My mom said he slept in bed with them, wedged in the middle like the spot had his name on it.”

“He’d sleep with us if you’d let him.”

A true statement. Another truth they both knew but never discussed was the real reason Jones didn’t sleep with them. It would have destroyed Jessica to snap out of a morning attack only to discover that her “baby” was dead from a broken neck because he brought her out of a deep sleep with a sloppy, wet kiss. Even before they moved in with Luke, Jones slept in his kennel. Jessica claimed it was because he wasn’t completely housebroken yet—a half-truth.

“I don’t love rolling in dog hair and turning over in the middle of the night to a wet nose in my face.” Another half-truth.

“Well, they can’t have my Jonesy. I don’t care how cool they are.” She grinned. “Because they are … they are the absolute coolest people I have ever known.”

“Please don’t.” Luke grimaced.

“What? How can you say that? Last night made it into my top ten best memories of all time—maybe even the top five. I can’t wait to tell Kelly.”

“No. What happened last night … did not happen. Do you understand? Everyone drank way too much, and as far as I can or ever want to remember, we ate, sat by the fire, then went to bed.”

“Sorry, babe. We both know the only memory from last night is the way the icy water sucked the air from our lungs, the adrenaline rush, and the way your dad wiggled his ass like a duck when he climbed out of the lake.”

As he watched her giggle like a twelve-year-old, messy dark hair veiling her perfect breasts, amber eyes bursting with life, he felt the crushing reality of loving her so much. In that moment he knew all reason was gone and his instinct for self-preservation had vanished. He’d never survive her, not for one second.

Tags: Jewel E. Ann Jack & Jill Romance