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I walk up to him. He’s tall. I have to look up, and when I do, the intensity that stares back at me almost knocks me over. I notice there’s pain clear in his eyes. And something else, I’m not quite sure what.

“The hair stays,” I try to say it in the strongest voice I can muster.

He crosses his arms over his chest at my words. “For now.” He steps back while scrunching up his nose. “I always get my way,” he whispers as I step off.

One of the other girls who works in the bar looks back and forth between us. “Are you okay?”

I nod my head, that shit doesn’t affect me. I’m used to men thinking they’re in charge. “I’ve dealt with assholes like that my entire life,” I say brushing it off.

Her eyes go wide, and I know he’s now standing behind me. Fuck my life!

Turning around, I meet his eyes. It’s then I notice how dark his eyes really are. “Asshole?” I nod my head not even bothering to cover that up.

“Do you need a job?”

My answer is to shrug. I do, but I’ve never had trouble finding one, so I don’t care one way or the other.

“They may have hired you while I was away, but make no mistake, this place is mine and we hold extremely high standards here.” He turns, walking off the same way Creed came out of before, which I’m pretty sure leads to their offices.

I flip him the bird and poke my tongue out as he retreats, but he turns at the last second catching me in the act. I drop my hand and offer a large sarcastic smile before turning and going back to work.“You have a set of balls on you, did you know that?” Echo states, sitting at the bar as everyone begins closing down for the night.

“I was raised by men who think women are nothing. His man views mean shit to me.”

“So, you’re all about woman power and crap,” he says nodding his head.

His girlfriend walks in and smiles at me as she stands behind him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Hey, Olympia.”

“Hey, Storm.”

She kisses his cheek, and he kisses her hand then holds it to his chest.

“Olympia here is pissing off Darby.” Ah, now I know what D stands for. “Creed wants to keep her on because he finds it amusing. D wants to fire her,” he explains the situation to Storm as he watches me for a reaction.

“Do you want to leave?” Storm asks me.

“No, I actually enjoy working here.”

“Well, fuck him.” She smiles.

I like her, I like her a lot. Her red hair falls over her face as she leans in and starts kissing Echo. I turn away to finish my work, then I hear the chair slide and they both get up, disappearing. I grab my keys, and one of the bouncers walks me out to my car, but someone’s already standing next to it, checking it over.

“Excuse me,” I say to the person blocking me from entering my car. He steps back and turns around, Darby’s harsh eyes falling to me. He nods to the bouncer, who walks back inside leaving me standing there with him. I pull my handbag up on my shoulder as I watch him.

“This is a man’s car.”

“You’re a pig,” I say shaking my head.

“Why, because I believe this car to be a man’s car?”

“It’s not a man’s car. It’s a damn car. My car, to be exact.”

“This is a Ford Mustang Shelby GT 500. This is a man’s car.”

I shake my head. “Look, you may be my boss, but don’t think I won’t punch you if you pull that man shit on me again.”

His lip twitches as he steps back. “Nice car.”

“Was that so hard to say?”

He looks to the car, runs his hand over the beautiful custom bodywork.

“Why are you working here if you can afford a car like this?” he asks while moving to the back of the car, his hand stopping when he touches the rear spoiler. He shouldn’t be touching my car like that. It’s my car. Mine. Only I can stroke her and tell her how much I love my Shelby.

“I work for fun.” I smile.

“For fun,” he mimics me. “Now that’s a new one.” Darby walks away to a car that costs twice as much as mine and doesn’t look back as he slides in.

I pick up the phone and dial. He answers on the first ring. “Johnny.”

I’m in the parking lot, but now I’m sitting in my car, still watching the spot from where Darby just left. “I just met Darby, and he tried to fire me.”

He starts laughing through the phone. “Of course, he did.”

“This isn’t funny. Should I quit?”

“No. No way, Olympia. You got this.”

“I got this,” I say to myself more for me than him.

Tags: T.L. Smith Crimson Elite Erotic