Page 21 of Cocky Fiancé

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“No, these are far too beautiful.”

Holding open the limo door, she climbed into the back seat, and I slid in after her.

The driver pulled back out onto the road, and I poured some champagne and handed Britta a glass.

“What should we toast to?” she asked.

“To adventure. Game playing, and creating history.”

She smiled, and we clinked glasses.

I watched as she placed the glass to her red lips and sipped at the champagne. Even her lips made my cock twitch.

The things I could do to them...

She lowered the glass and studied me, something weighing on her mind.

“What is it?” I asked.

“I spoke to Celeste today, she wanted me to say hello to you.”

I nodded, although unsure where this was going.

Britta’s blue eyes watched for my reaction, but she wouldn’t get one from me.

“I didn’t realize you two were still close,” I said, indifferently.

She shook her head. “We aren’t,” she replied, nervously fiddling with the hem of her dress. “She rang to say she would be in town soon and wanted time for a catch-up. We spoke for about fifteen minutes on the phone. She’s doing well. Asked me how you were doing... many times. I thought that was odd.”

I laughed. It wasn’t so odd, but I couldn’t tell her why.

I didn’t know her all that well. She modeled for me sometimes but what I did know was that she was a gold digger. Why she would be contacting Britta after so long, I didn’t know and to be honest, I didn’t care. What I did care about was if she started dropping a few bombs about the fling we had. Britta didn’t need that sort of information under her belt.

“Must have made a huge impression on her,” she said, biting her bottom lip to stop the coy smile.

I chuckled at her suggestion. “Maybe... you’ll have to ask her.” Or not.

This time she didn’t hide the smile. “She eluded to enough.”

“Britta Valentino, I’m shocked you’re talking about the size of my cock to other women,” I gently reprimanded.

“What else do you think women do when we get together?”

“Talk shoes, lipstick... shit talk about stuff.”

“And gossip.”

“Well, I hope your gossip has somewhat satisfied your curiosities.”

She shook her head. “Further intrigued would be a more accurate statement.”

Changing tact, she watched as I reached into my pocket.

“Hand out,” I instructed.

Hesitantly, she did as told. “What’s this?”

Placing the object in her hand, she looked and gasped.

“Hawk! What...? Is this real?” She stared wide-eyed at the ring.

“It’s real, and it’s my grandmother’s.”

Britta vehemently shook her head. “Oh... no... no... I loved your grandmother. I’m not taking her ring.”

Reaching for her shaking hand, I took the ring and slid it on her finger. We both stared at it. Britta seemed mesmerized, and I... it gave me a feeling I’d never experienced before, and I wasn’t even sure what that feeling was supposed to mean.

“We are engaged after all.”

The words hung thick in the air.

This whole thing was designed to get back at Roman. Yet, somehow, it felt like we were sinking ourselves into something dangerously consuming. Something I wasn’t about to bring a halt to.

“This ring is gorgeous, Hawk. I promise to guard it with my life.”

I wanted to tell her that my grandmother had said on numerous occasions she loved Britta, as Britta loved her, and always said that one day Britta would have this ring. I always thought she was being facetious. But when I saw them giggling and laughing and Britta caring for the elderly woman as I would, I could finally see why Nan was so taken with her.

Britta was the girl you could take home to Mom... and Nan. She was also the girl you could fuck in the car while at the grocery store, and who would sit across from you in the limo possibly wearing no panties.

“It’s perfect, I love it so much.”

It was perfect, just like her.

It was vintage style, circa nineteen twenties and loaded with brilliant cut diamonds.

It was unique, just like Britta.

Britta’s natural beauty was so striking, she didn’t wear a lot of jewelry. But when she did, her taste was not for the run-of-the-mill type designs. As expected, she swooned over the ring now on her finger.

“I promise to look after it,” she said, looking to me. “But it’s not necessary. I’d hate for something to happen to it.”

“Britta, I know you. You’ll protect it with your life. Plus...” I winked at her, “... you’re my fiancée.”

“Hawk, I–”

The car came to a stop effectively cutting short Britta’s thoughts. Moments later her door was opened, and as the outside light filtered in, she turned back to me.

“Thank you, for everything.”

I nodded, feeling her sincerity. “I’ve always got your back.”

Accepting the driver’s hand, Britta eased out of the limo, and I followed.

Placing my hand on the small of her back, she shivered, goosebumps covering her bare skin. Leading Britta down the path, I could feel her stiffen. She was nervous and rightfully so. It wasn’t every day the betrayed was invited to a wedding by her deceitful ex and lying best friend.

Tags: T.L. Smith, Melissa Jane Romance