
Author:April Jade


Total pages:82


He was a predator… and I loved to watch him stalk his prey.

The first time I saw Elijah Kingston was through a computer screen.

Night after night, I watched him shed his counterfeit smiles and falsely perfect persona. Gone was the family man everyone thought him to be and in his place was one of the deadliest assassins the mafia has ever seen.

It was my job to conceal his violence—to frame others for his crimes and ensure he never got caught.

Elijah never required my assistance but I watched him, anyway.



I spent hours tracking each of his movements, learning everything there was to know about him. My fixation was manic, and though we were always miles away, I knew the first time his face filled my screen that he belonged to me.

Elijah was my Daddy…

…he just didn’t know it yet.

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