Sins that Find Us

My name might be Alice, and this sure as hell isn’t wonderland, but everyone is definitely a little mad here.

My life is a series of near misses. Or, at least, it was. But the man who saved me at the bar from a guy who definitely didn’t have the best intentions, might have even worse ones.

And so do his friends. Knowing who my father is, I know better than to talk to strangers, and it’s just my luck that my four knights in shining armor have their own vendetta against him.

The next thing I know, I’m a damsel in distress—a pawn in their game against my father because I’m his one weak link. But the longer I stay on this little island of misfit toys, the more things start to become clear, and the people I thought were heroes might very well be the villains in my story.

Then again, I always did think Wendy might love Hook more, and that the Beauty wanted her Beast, that Ariel deserved a bit of revenge. And, last but not least, that Hades—the King—absolutely deserved his queen.