Shadows In The Highlands

Author:Miranda Martin


Total pages:70


I thought returning to the past would be the hard part….

I make it back to the past but when I get there, the trouble has already begun.

The MacGregor name has been outlawed. Those who bear it are being hunted like animals. The Clan MacGregor is driven from their lands and retreat to the Highlands, their ancestral home.

All I want is to find Duncan, but when I finally get news of him, it’s not bad, it’s terrible.

He’s been captured by Lord Nicholas. A Scottish noble known for his dark, evil acts before the troubles and what he’s doing to MacGregors is unspeakable. When I was here the first time, Duncan saved me. Now it’s my turn.

Duncan has my heart, but my destiny continues to pull me in other directions. For me, though, the only thing that matters is saving him. Destiny will have to wait its turn.

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