Dirty Queen

Author:Amelia Winters


Total pages:68


I thought I was in control.

I thought I was powerful.

After what I'd done to my stepfather, I thought I was untouchable and safe from the twisted web of Dirty Kingdom.

I was wrong.

The Organization runs Dirty Kingdom and so much more. They don't like girls like me, girls who feel powerful and in control.

They liked me better when I was a sad girl. A lonely girl. A broken girl. So now they're doing everything they can to make sure I fall into line.

I tasted the power of freedom, and I tasted the love of my Kings. I won't go down easy this time, I will fight back.

But I underestimated how cruel they could be, and now I don't know if I will even survive their captivity, even if the Kings come to rescue me.

And I don't know how I'll be able to survive when the truth comes to light and tears my world apart.

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