Happily Ever Bitten (Underworld Royals 2)

A Halfling.
My designation. A plague. An essential death sentence in the Underworld. Until I met him.

A Noxia Prince.
He's arrogant, a playboy, and the male who saved my life. Except he never gave me a choice, his blood tying me to him for an eternity of servitude. And I'm not sure I want to pay that price.

An unspeakable past.
Monsters haunt my nightmares. Most of them dead. But a few are still alive, and so I'll hunt them. Torture them. Slay them all. Even if it brings about an early demise.

A courtship signed in blood.
One bite sealed my fate.
But someone is playing a dangerous game, and she'll stop at nothing to see me destroyed.

Life is a journey to death.
Sometimes the only way to truly live is to die.
But I'm not going down without a fight.