Absinthe and Heart

A long time ago I fell so deeply in love with a man that it consumed me. Every kiss, each touch, everything was new and intense and at seventeen I made Marcus my whole world. Our love grew over the next year and It was such a true and strong love that it created life. Harmony.
With new pressures on his shoulders, my love dove into his career and we grew apart. Always a great father we stayed friends, but it's amazing how easy it is to co-parent when your still in love with that someone. Marcus is a man larger than life. Rich, famous, and sexy AF. It’s been years since he kissed me and yet every time we’re in the same room I feel claimed by him. It's his eyes, that tell me I'm meant to be his.
When my car rolls and I end up with a broken leg, he is the last man I expect to see but the first one at my side. He barrels into my life and routine demanding to take care of me and Harmony. The man moves himself into my apartment and deeper into my heart in less than a week… and when our constant chemistry overpowers our better judgment, that white-hot, electrifying connection is back and stronger than ever.
But when the world starts calling will everything go back to the way things used to be or will we get a second chance after all this time…