Double Score

Double the play, double the pleasure.

Pure. Princess. Sheltered. That’s what they said about me. And it was true.
But all of that changed when I was auctioned off the highest bidder on the Austin Warriors Pro Football Team.
They would pay anything to put a fake ring on my finger.
They said it would be good PR, that I had to do it to save the team I had just inherited.
But who would save me?
Enter the team’s hottest wide receivers: Isaac Price and Dylan James.
I didn’t think I could fall for a player…let alone TWO.
But, they both wanted me. I wasn’t supposed to choose just one, was I?
Besides, I needed them. I couldn’t run the Warriors alone.
If anyone found out, I’d be ruined. The whole team would go down in flames.
The engagement might be fake, but my feelings for Isaac and Dylan were so very real.
