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David Attenborough could also narrate this, though only if he wanted to diversify into something a little more R-rated, if Keltan’s midnight gaze was anything to go by.

“You think I’m gonna run from you, Snow? Thought we established this. I was running. Before. Now that I’m in front of you, I’ve got nowhere else to go. Nowhere else I want to be. I’m starin’ at the thing I was runnin’ to,” he murmured, putting both hands on either side of my face, boxing me in.

I swallowed, tasting him in the air before he’d even touched me. Drowning in him.

He stroked my jaw. “I’m more worried about you runnin’,” he rasped. “And that, my beauty, is one thing I’m likely to use all the training I’ve accumulated over the years to prevent. But for now….” He bent his head to run his mouth over my neck.

My knees quivered at the contact, threatening to give out from the touch.

“For now,” he continued, his mouth lifting so it brushed mine as he spoke, “I’m gonna make good on the promise I made you last night. Considering I’m a man of my word, and it’s all I’ve been able to think about for the past twenty-four hours.” He paused, running his tongue along the seam of my lips. “No. The thing I’ve been thinking about for the past two months. I’m gonna fuck you so hard we won’t remember our names, I’m gonna fuckin’ drown in you, Snow.”

And then he kissed me.

Owned me with one simple kiss.

But then again, kisses weren’t simple from him.

Not when they came with everything else.

But they were only complicated afterwards. When the world came back in.

Now, there was only his body pressing against mine, the taste of him claiming me with a kiss. The fire of arousal spreading through my entire body, skipping the ice around my heart.

I surrendered, happily.

He let out a growl. “Never tasted somethin’ so good in my entire life as your mouth, baby,” he murmured against my mouth, running his hand along the side of my body. It slipped into the waistband of my shorts, cupping me gently, right there.

I forgot to breathe, the light touch owning me, pulling me further into him.

“Though I’m thinking once I get my mouth around that pussy, that might change,” he growled.

Then he tortured me by pulling his hand out of my shorts and moving it to my ass, where he lifted me to straddle the hardness of his jeans.

I wrapped my legs around him without hesitation, my hands at his neck and yanking him in for another kiss like a junkie with a fix.

He was that.

A drug.

One that spirited me away from reason, logic, the real world.

It was the rush he gave me that I craved, to stave off all of that for a little while longer.

“Bedroom,” I ordered in a hoarse voice, pointing down the hall.

“Oh, fuck yes,” he growled back, moving so he somehow continued kissing me while walking down a hall in an unfamiliar house.

His steps echoed on the wood floors as his mouth ravaged mine, and I rubbed myself against him frantically, desperately needing the friction.

“You gotta stop that,” he growled, “or I’ll lose patience for the few seconds it takes to get you into your room and fuck you on the floor.”

My stomach dipped. “I don’t care. Floor. Bed. Sofa. Hood of a car. I just need you. Now,” I demanded.

His eyes were black as I lazily opened my own. We were crossing the threshold of my room, and the light flickered on.

“No, Snow. I’m fuckin’ you in a bed. Because I plan on bein’ inside you for a good long while and not coming up for air.” He kissed me before throwing me onto the soft mattress. He stood above me, face like a predator. “And I need you comfortable for that.”

He yanked his shirt off, once more treating me to the marvel that was his torso. I fumbled with the bottom of my cami, desperate to be rid of the clothes keeping my skin from touching his. He was on me in a minute, hands at my wrist, stopping me and kissing my hipbone.

“No, babe. I’m gonna be doin’ that,” he informed me darkly. “Hands above your head. Now.” The cold order amidst the fire in his eyes had me obeying his command immediately.

He grinned wickedly. “Good girl.”

His hands settled on my hips for a moment, then gripped the bottom of my cami, lifting it from my tingling skin until my breasts were exposed.

He let out a hiss between his lips before finally doing what I was aching for him to do, fastening his lips over them.

I cried out when his mouth created more fire and tension in the bottom of my spine.

He could bring on an orgasm just like that if he didn’t stop.

Tags: Anne Malcom Greenstone Security Romance