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There was only one destination that promised something other than that.

One woman.

And he knew what riding there would mean for her. What he was doing to her life. And he didn’t fucking care. Because he wasn’t good. Or sane.

It had taken everything he had to give her that last way out. Especially after seeing her answer the door in those stupid white pajamas that were somehow the sexiest thing he’d ever seen a woman wear. Her face was still flushed with sleep, eyes wide and bright beneath her glasses, hair wild over her shoulders.

And then he tasted her fucking mouth. She had fucking kissed him. Pressed her hot and soft little body against his. Her clean body. She’d stained it with the blood of his sins without hesitation.

And she’d fucking kissed him.

Gage didn’t think there was a moment better than the second the junk hit his system, took everything away. Having her full and sensual lips press against his was fucking close. Taking her mouth hard and brutal and have her fucking love it? Yeah, it eclipsed that shit.

He hadn’t even sunk his dick in her yet and she was more addictive than junk.

The junk had ruined him, and he’d beat it. As much as someone could beat it, anyway. The scars on his arms were a reminder that there was no such thing as beating it. He’d just found something to replace it with. Someone. And he knew for a fact that he was going to ruin her.

But he didn’t fucking care. Because he didn’t save damsels. He ruined them.

“I’m not going anywhere,” she whispered, eyes on his, throaty voice touching his cock.

Gage’s mind pushed away thoughts of what he was going to do to her in the end. It was easier than it should’ve been, because it was consumed with what he was going to do to her right fucking then.

“So be it,” he murmured, his last apology to the gods for damning himself further.

Not that the gods even listened to him anymore.

The only one who heard him was the Devil, and he was doing more work in his name. That’s what damned men did, after all.

He didn’t hesitate in taking her mouth again, for good that time. She let out a sound that damn near made him cream his pants as he lifted her, fucking desperate to get her body plastered to his. She complied immediately, wrapping her legs around him, pressing her cunt into the hardness covered by his jeans, mimicking his desperation, challenging it.

She let out another cry in his mouth as he moved, creating friction between them while taking the stairs two at a time. He had never felt so wild, so fucking anxious to be inside a woman before. Like he would come out of his skin if he didn’t sink into her cunt in the next five seconds.

And for him to be aware of how close he was to the edge, it meant something. Because he lived his life on the edge.

Her hands tore through his hair with ferocity, yanking at the strands with a violence he felt in his cock. He got off on violence, after all. There was a reason he only took certain bitches—the ones with hardness in their eyes and souls—to his bed.

When he reached the top of the stairs, his cock and whatever remained of his sanity couldn’t take it anymore. Couldn’t take the three steps that would put her on the sofa, sure as shit not the six it would take to get to her bed. No, nothing had seemed so urgent in his life as the need to get inside her.

So he went to his knees, Lauren still attached to him like a fucking sex kitten, attacking him with the same amount of ferocity that he was giving to her. He never would’ve expected that shit from her. Fuck, it was why he hadn’t taken her earlier. He’d been so fucking certain that she wasn’t going to be able to handle his particular kind of fuckery. And he’d known he would break her.

Now he was beginning to think she could handle being broken. Then again, this wasn’t even the surface of his fuckery. He wasn’t stupid enough, even insane with his need for her, to show her that shit right then.

Her back hit the floor and she barely noticed; he had to forcibly remove her legs from his hips, the pads of his fingers pressing into the soft skin through the fabric of her pajamas. In a motion that pained him, literally fuckin’ pained him, he detached his lips from hers, flattening his hand against her chest and pushing her flat on her back.

Her hair splayed around her like a fucking halo, her lips swollen, bright red, begging to be wrapped around his cock.

And they would be.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic