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Asher grinned, he brushed a wayward strand from my face. “I’m happy that you seem to feel about the same as I do about my departure,” he said quietly.

I stared at him. Couldn’t stop, even if you paid me. This might be the only time a guy this hot ever paid any attention to me, looked at me like this. I was soaking up every part of this moment like a sponge. Especially his hand at my hip.

“I’ll be back for you,” he promised darkly, his eyes glinting with desire.

I swallowed. “What?” I half squeaked in surprise.

The hand at my hip tightened. “You stay here, don’t drink anymore.” He frowned down at the glass in my hands. “You’re cute as fuck drunk, baby, but I want you to be able to sit on the back of a bike.” His eyes darkened more. “I want you to be able to remember how hard I fuck you tonight, and I want you to be able to suck my cock,” he murmured.

It took a full couple of seconds for his crude words to penetrate my foggy mind. They penetrated my womb the moment they left his beautiful mouth that wasn’t inhibited by alcohol. I sucked in a breath. No one had ever talked to me like that before. I didn’t think people actually talked like that. I loved it. The image of him … fucking me, of me doing that to him, had my panties dampen. It was a feeling I was not used to. I knew what being turned on felt like, I wasn’t a completely innocent virgin, but I didn’t know what this felt like. Feeling like my whole body was on fire as a Hot with a capital H biker stood in front of me saying dirty things.

“Fuck,” he muttered again, hand at my jaw. “See that my little flower likes the sound of that,” he said, eyes on my lips.

I didn’t say anything. I licked my lips, feeling them drying out.

His eyes narrowed. “I’ve got to leave. Like I said, I’m coming back. You’re on water till then. Then you’re on the back of my bike, then in my bed,” he declared hotly.

I kept my silence, that all sounding good, but in a fairytale sense. I couldn’t actually believe this guy was saying this stuff to me. Plain Lily Smith had a sex god telling her dirty things and promising her to take her to bed.

Did alcohol also cause hallucinations?

His thumb brushed my lip. “I’m gonna need some kind of verbal confirmation before I let you go, flower,” he instructed. “I know your body’s telling me yes in a million different ways, I need your mouth to say it.”

“I’m affirmative on … all of that,” I said quickly not even registering how cringe worthy my words were. Affirmative? What was I, a commando in a bad action movie?

Asher smirked. “Good.”

Then, to my utter amazement, he leaned in and pressed his lips firmly to mine in a closed mouth kiss. I shut my eyes, trying to imprint the moment in my memory. When I opened them, he was gone.

Did that really happen?

Hours later, this was one of the reasons why I was sitting here with people who were both strangers and friends at the same time. I was clinging to the hope that conversation was not only real, but that he was coming back. Well that, and also because I was having fun. I never had fun around big groups of people. I was too shy. They made me anxious, had me feeling sick to my stomach. This group, this motley and disgustingly attractive group, had me feeling the kind of ease that I only felt around my mom or Bex.

I glanced down at my phone that had started ringing. Speak of the Devil. I grinned as Gwen was carried into the house by Cade and stood to answer the phone.

“Hey, Mom,” I greeted brightly. Although I had done as instructed and kept to water, my brain was still swimming in the depths of tequila.

“Heya, peanut, it’s after midnight. Just calling to make sure you hadn’t turned into a pumpkin or anything,” she greeted lightly.

There was no sternness or judgment in Mom’s voice. I was almost twenty-one and a grown adult. I didn’t have a curfew, I’d never had one in fact, but me staying out this late wasn’t exactly normal.

“My glass slippers are still firmly on my feet,” I joked. “I’m having a great time with Gwen and her friends….” I paused, chewing my lip. Asher hadn’t arrived, and I felt he might never. I had to prepare my mom, though. “I … um … might not be coming home tonight,” I said quietly, moving even further away from the remaining group. My wanderings led me to a dark corner at the side of the house.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic