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Brock went statue still at this. “You’ll be doing nothing of the fucking sort. If anyone’s givin’ her an exam it’ll be a goddamn doctor. A female doctor,” he growled, standing.

The men stood toe to toe glaring at each other. “You know I’m a doctor, Brock, evidenced by the fact I just saved your old lady’s life,” Hansen said calmly, but he held himself stiffly.

I really hoped they didn’t have a punch up. I didn’t completely have my wits about me, and I felt like I wouldn’t fully be able to appreciate it. Plus they didn’t have their shirts off.

“You boys gonna kiss or what?” a teasing voice asked from the door.

“Lucky!” I sat up, grinning at the attractive man leaning against the doorway. Lucky was the funniest biker I knew. He was goofy and loveable as well as deadly and alpha, a combination only he could pull off.

He sauntered into the room followed by Cade and Bull, who didn’t share his carefree smile. Both of them glanced at Brock and Hansen then focused on me, concern evident. I directed my grin at them, hoping to appease them.

Lucky skirted past the two men who had broken their stare off to come and kiss my head gently. “Now, I know I said things were more exciting with you around, but let’s tone it down a bit, huh, kid? I think you gave me a couple o’ greys with the fainting stunt you pulled.” He ran his hand over his smooth head. Even though he was smiling it didn’t quite reach his eyes.

I punched him, shocked at how weak my limbs felt. “Who are you calling kid, Junior? I’m pretty sure I’ve got three years on you.”

“Oh sorry, would you rather I called you ma’am?” he teased, eyes twinkling.

“You wouldn’t if you wanted to procreate,” I retorted snarkily.

He chuckled. “Good to see getting kidnapped hasn’t taken your spice.”

His statement was meant to be joking but the air felt heavy.

Cade approached my bed and he pushed my hair back. “Hey darlin.”

“Hey Cade,” I spoke quietly, my teasing tone gone.

“How you holdin’ up?” he asked, glancing down at me as if he expected me to reveal a bullet wound.

“I’m okay. It takes more than a punctured artery to get me down,” I replied lightly. Cade’s face stayed grim.

“Does Gwen know?” I asked quietly, worried about my best friend’s state of mind. She had a new baby to worry about, not to mention the events that happened directly before Belle’s birth. She didn’t need this shit on her mind as well.

“No. I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop her from coming up here with us, and I didn’t want her going out of her mind with worry until we got you back. I’m gonna call her in a couple o’ minutes.”

I couldn’t help but smile knowing my best friend’s reaction. “You’re in for one hell of a tongue lashing.”

Cade’s face was blank. “Don’t I know it.”

I moved my thoughts away from that situation, knowing I would be getting my fair share of cursing from Gwen. I knew I had a lot to answer for.

“What happened to Clark? I’m guessing he didn’t take too kindly to you guys dropping in.” My question hung in the air for a moment.

“Fucker’s still breathing—he preoccupied us with his laughable security,” Cade finally answered, running his hand through his hair in frustration. “He wasn’t our first priority going in, but after seeing what the psychopath did I am regretting not sticking around to get properly acquainted with the old man.” His voice dripped with fury.

“Thank you,” I said quietly, not just to Cade but to all the men in the room. “I should have said this straight away. But thank you for coming, for saving me. I’m sorry you had to risk your lives coming in to clean up my father’s mess.”

Cade’s face softened. “You don’t have to thank us, darlin’, and you sure as shit aren’t apologizing to us. You’re family. We take care of our family.” His tone was firm and it brought tears to my eyes.

“What happens now though?” I asked, thinking pragmatically. “I’m guessing this isn’t the end of it. Clark doesn’t strike me as the kind of man who will just shrug this off. It puts the club in danger.” My stomach dropped, thinking of any of my adopted family in Amber getting affected by this. “My fucking father. I swear to god I am going to drag him by the collar of his Armani suit to come and sort this out,” I declared passionately.

I heard Lucky and Hansen’s chuckle at this. I even thought I saw the corner of Bull’s mouth twitch. Cade and Brock were the only ones that remained stoic.

“Clark’s fuckin’ dead,” Bull declared passionately.

Cade nodded stiffly. “We’re taking care of him, Amy.”

My anger bloomed. “It’s not your job to take care of him. Don’t get me wrong, I’m tickled pink you guys executed the rescue mission when you did but this isn’t your responsibility. Plus this guy seems to be seriously high on the organized crime food chain. You will be putting yourselves in danger for something that has nothing to do with you.”

Brock stepped forward beside Cade. “They took you, Amy. They hurt you. You belong to the Sons. You belong to me. That sure as shit has something to do with us. No one messes with us. And they sure as shit don’t hurt what’s ours,” he declared passionately.

I refrained an eye roll due to the severity of the situation. “Okay, we’re going to circle back to the whole ‘Amy as a possession’ statement, but for now let’s focus on the big stuff. This is dangerous. You guys could get hurt.”

“There’s no more discussion. What they did to you, Ames—” Cade paused. “They’re dead.”

I gauged the atmosphere in the room plus the grim looks that had settled back on the men’s faces, grins gone. My gaze settled on Bull’s haunted expression for a beat.

“Okay, first I need to set something straight,” I addressed the room. “I wasn’t raped.”

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic