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He was still frowning, but I felt his hard on pressing into me. Without warning he threw me over his shoulder; I let out a surprised gasp and he swatted me hard on the backside.

“Know you’re not telling me the full story Gwen. I’ll leave it for now; I’d much rather bury my face inside you than talk about either of those snakes anyway.”

Without another word, he carried me to his room.

All the lights were on as Cade and I approached my house, it was late and I was shattered. After Cade and I spent a couple of hours in his room at the compound, we spent the rest of the day there. Cade and the boys had ‘church’ for a while which gave me a chance to hang out with Lizzie, who was super cool, and Evie who still scared me just a little. Surprisingly, I had an awesome day, leaving out the conversation with the hard ass President of a motorcycle club and the one from his equally hard ass Old Lady. I got along with all the guys really well, and despite their appearances, they treated me with nothing but respect, which maybe had to do with Cade glaring at anyone who talked to me. Although they were friendly, there seemed like there was a bit of tension in the air, someone was always watching the cameras on the gate. Cade was on his phone a lot and Steg was locked away in ‘church’ for most of the day. It worried me a little, knowing Cade had said there was conflict with another club. I knew better than to ask Cade for any more information; he was intent on telling me as little as possible. I was still determined to ask him later, using a couple of tactics that I had up my sleeve, or down my shirt.

I hopped off the bike and started towards the door when Cade pulled me back.

“You okay with them now baby?” he asked nodding towards the house.

My heart melted a little with his concern, maybe he didn’t love me but my biker was still pretty sweet to me.

“Yeah, I’m good actually. I just reacted a little crazy this morning, got so much going through my head it just threw me. I’m actually really happy for them, but where does that leave Brock? I know Amy cares about him, and he’s obviously into her.” If his behavior today was anything to go by, he definitely cared for Amy and he was pissed at the turn of events. He spent the entire day drinking and barking at anyone that dared talk to him.

Cade let out a sigh and looked up as if asking for divine intervention. “Babe, I hate dealing with this chick shit. I know Amy has Brock tied up in knots, and I can’t have my brother unfocused. She needs to sort her shit.”

I nodded, feeling protective over both my brother and my best friend, not wanting either of them to get hurt. But I also didn’t want this fucking this up for Cade and his brother.

“This is a tangled web. You regret hitching your horse to my wagon now?” I asked half joking.

Cade grabbed my neck, eyes serious. “I thank the gods every day I wake up next to you baby, this shit will sort itself out. Nothing would make me regret putting you on the back of my bike,” he declared fiercely before kissing the bejesus out of me. “Now let’s get this over with.” Cade walked me to the door.

Amy and Ian were sitting in the kitchen, suspiciously far apart. I felt the tension in the air. They both looked up as we walked in.

“Gwen!” Amy came running over, hugging me tightly after I stepped away from Cade.

“I am so sorry you had to find out like you did Gwennie, we should have told you a while ago but things were fucked up,” she blurted in a rush, looking upset.

“I’m sorry too, Amy. I should have never pushed you this morning, that was a bitch move. I was just taken by surprise, but I’m happy, if you two are happy?” I glanced between Amy and Ian who were not even peeking at each other.

I gave them a look. “Things changed? You looked pretty into each other this morning,” I teased, but neither of them cracked a smile.

Ian stood. “Look, sis, we’ve just got some things to sort out, which is between the two of us before you say anything.” My brother knew me too well, I had just been about to interrupt to play couple’s therapist.

“I’ve got something to tell you, all of you if you want to sit,” he continued.

My curiosity peaked. “Okay, let’s go sit out by the pool though, it’s a nice night and I hate discussing anything at the table, it brings back bad memories of the conversations Mum and Dad had with me in high school.”

Ian laughed, remembering the many interventions my parents staged during my wild child phase, some of which he experienced via speakerphone while he was on tour.

“Oh and drinks, I need a glass of wine,” I added. I had switched to water after one mimosa today and now I felt like I needed some relaxation in the form of vino.

“Got it babe.” My wonderful man was way ahead of me, pouring a glass of wine for both me and Amy.

“Did I mention I love him?” Amy said seriously.

I gave her a playful shove. “Back off sister, you’re already making out with my brother, stay away from my man.”

She laughed. “Right, I don’t want to have to have another boxing match in the front yard.” She tried to make the mood light, but her glance was darting to Ian who was watching her unsmiling. His brooding was interrupted by Cade.

“Beer?” He held out a bottle towards Ian. I held my breath, it may as well be an olive branch. I watched as Ian paused, then begrudgingly took the beer. Yes! Amy and I exchanged a no look high five, we were best friends after all, and she was watching the exchange thinking the same thing as me.

Tags: Anne Malcom Sons of Templar MC Erotic