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Still holding onto my arm, he guides me toward the stairs. “You have two choices. I can either throw you over my shoulder and carry you up or you can walk?”

The thought of him tossing me over his shoulder makes a certain part of me tighten. I’d love to feel his arms around me, but I laugh it off. “I’m perfectly fine to walk up the stairs on my own.” I look up at the building and sigh. “How far up?”

Kellan chuckles. “Third floor.”

I shrug. “That’s not too bad.”

Still holding onto me, we take to the stairs and I may have pretended to wobble a little, so he’d have to hold me closer. When we get to the door, he unlocks it and lets me go in first. His studio apartment isn’t big, but it’s nice. He has a small kitchen and table in one corner, a couch and loveseat in the other with a TV, and then the other half of his apartment is his bedroom, complete with a king-sized bed and two dressers.

Kellan guides me over to the couch and I sit down. “Want some water?”

I nod. “That’d be great. Thank you.” He walks over to the refrigerator and pulls out two water bottles. “I’m surprised you didn’t get drunk tonight to celebrate with the guys.”

He comes back over and sits down. “Someone had to be the responsible one. It was Stewart’s night, so I wanted to look out for him.” He hands me a water and I take a sip. I know I should drink more so I’m not hungover in the morning.

Strangely, that doesn’t surprise me. “How did you two become such good friends?” I ask. “I don’t think anyone ever told me. All I remember is all of us just hanging out together before I left New York.”

Kellan stretches his arms out and his muscles tense. God, he has some sexy arms. Focus Hope! He leans back against the couch with his arms behind his head. “We went to the same schools. My parents might not have had money, but they made sure I got a good education.” His blue eyes meet mine and he winks. “Everyone wanted to be friends with the Irish kid. Guess it’s the accent.”

I roll my eyes. “I know the girls loved it. I remember seeing women fawn all over you that summer before I left.”

He shrugs. “Couldn’t charm all of them.” Closing my eyes, I lean my head against the couch. The room isn’t spinning anymore. “Why didn’t you want to go home yet?” Kellan asks.

Scoffing, I open my eyes and face him. “Because my mother will be awake, and I don’t want to listen to her gripe about me being single. She’s been on my ass ever since I got into town.”

He nods. “Join the club. My ma does the same damn thing. Pisses me off. All she wants is for me to find a good woman that’ll give her grandbabies.”

Gasping, I sit up. “That’s exactly what my mom wants. Well, except for the part about finding a good woman. I don’t exactly swing that way.” Who would’ve thought we’d have that in common? I throw my hands in the air. “Why are they like that? It’s not like we’re forty-years-old.” We’re both twenty-eight as a matter of fact. That’s still young.

Kellan shrugs. “Who knows? They’ll just have to wait until we’re damn well ready.”

That makes me smile. “Exactly.” I lean back against the couch, making sure to move closer to him in the process. Our arms brush against each other and goosebumps fan out across my skin. “It’s been good seeing you again, Kellan. I hate we never kept in touch.”

“Same,” he replies, his voice low and sexy.

I swear, I could listen to him talk all day. I look up at him and he looks down at me. When our eyes connect, it’s as if something shifts inside of me. My body moves of its own accord and the next thing I know I’m on his lap and my lips are on his. A deep growl rumbles in his chest and he holds my face, deepening the kiss. My body is on fire and I’m loving every minute of it until he pulls away.

“We can’t do this, Hope. I don’t want you to wake up tomorrow and say it was all a mistake.” I can see the sincerity on his face.

“I’m not drunk, Kellan. I may have been a little tipsy earlier, but I know what I’m doing.”

His eyes darken with need. “What are you doing?”

I bite my lip. “I just want one night of letting go. No strings, no commitments, just you and me.” I run a hand over his stubbly cheeks, and he closes a hand over mine. The look in his eyes makes me tremble. Not to mention, I can feel that he’s thinking the same thing by the bulge in his pants. “Maybe I’m being foolish for suggesting it.”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin The Dating Romance