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“The florist was here two hours ago,” he murmurs sweetly. “Are you going to worry all morning?”

“What if I am?”

“I’m going to have to tell Pete,” he shrugs.

“I don’t have time for Pete right now,” I fuss, twisting away.

“That isn’t up to you,” I hear a voice say behind me.

“Everything is up to me!” I object as I am picked right up off my feet.

There isn’t anybody in the main dining room right now, so on the one hand, there’s nobody to be embarrassed about. On the other hand, there’s nobody to save me.

“You need to relax!” Pete tells me, slapping me soundly on one ass cheek.

Taking the stairs two at a time, he bounds toward our room. What used to be two separate bedrooms is now just one large room, with an en suite bathroom with a shower large enough for four people.

Stephan thumbs the security code that opens the door automatically. These are our private quarters. With such a busy restaurant, we wanted to make sure that nobody could interrupt us by mistake. What we do is private, and if anybody knew about it, they would be absolutely amazed. Shocked. And if they knew it all, they’d probably die of jealousy.

There is no point in fighting it anymore. Whatever Pete wants to do to me, he is going to do to me. The extra-large king-size bed is in the middle of the room with its timber posts, making it the sturdiest bed we could possibly imagine. It has to be, to take all the punishment we put it through. This bed puts up with a lot.

Suddenly I am sailing through the air, carried by my boyfriends and laid out on the fluffy down comforter. Pete pulls my knees apart as Stephan unfastens my dress, sliding it from my body with a groan of delight. He has really enjoyed watching me get fatter and fatter. Through his eyes, I see it as a beautiful thing. If he weren’t here to remind me, my big belly might make me self-conscious. The darkening of my nipples, that line that goes from my belly button down. Not exactly beauty queen stuff, but my boys seem to disagree.

“Jesus, you taste delicious,” Pete moans.

He bites the tops of my thighs until I let him open me completely. I am never allowed to be shy with them. I can’t hold anything back from them. They act like being with me is like food.

I shudder, savoring the first stabs of pleasure as Pete’s soft, hot tongue separates my folds. He knows just what I need. He has a psychic ability to find the secret ways to unlock my pleasure. To take me as high as I can possibly go, and then drop me off that sacred cliff.

“Come closer, baby,” I beckon Stephan. I love to have him in my mouth at the same time. To taste his salty cum on my tongue while Pete sucks my pussy lips. It makes me feel complete. Filled at both ends.

Stephan obliges, straddling my face gently. His balls rest delicately against my chin as he begins to pump slowly into my mouth. With his weight suspended by his hands on the timbers over my head, I can watch every muscle in his abdomen flex with each thrust.

I have to give in. I can’t resist them. Gripping Stephan’s hips, I guide him to fuck my mouth a little deeper, a little harder. I suck at the tip, drawing him closer and closer to a quick release. I need him to be quick this time, because I am about to come all over Pete’s face. Now that I’m pregnant, I come all the time. I could do it four times a day. And I want it so bad, constantly. Thank heaven I have so many opportunities and options for anything I want.

My hips move on their own. Pete urges me on, humming encouragement as he quickens, sucking my clit faster and faster, pushing me further toward that white space inside me, pushing me to the end and…


There it is. There is that spiraling, floating, falling… a white, soundless explosion. The obliteration of everything, down to the molecules, before the inevitable reconstruction.

Pete slides up behind me, cradling me against his body. Stephan climbs downward so that he can embrace me from the front. The three of us lie there, like books on a bookshelf, holding each other until our breathing subsides.

Gradually I reawaken, aware of the ticking list in my mind of all the things I have to do today, yet somehow they seem much more manageable now.

“You feel better?” Pete smirks.

His lips are still red with the friction. He looks as smug as a cat.

“As a matter of fact, I do,” I announce.

What’s the point in denying it? He knows exactly what I need.

Tags: Jess Bentley Erotic