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The one whose dick is in my mouth grips the back of my head, beginning to pump deeper against me, almost too deep, to where I have to consciously relax and breathe through my nose. With his fingertips digging into the back of my scalp, his breath is hoarse and ragged. I quicken my pace on the other two, pulling them closer, aiming the velvety heads at the fuller part of my belly. I want it all over me.

As if on cue, all three begin to come at the same time. Their moans fill the air, and the air gets suddenly musky and salty, positively feral. My own moans are choked out by the fat cock that fills my throat.

In my hands, the other cocks twitch and release their hot, thick loads all over my belly. I feel the hot spray of thick jizz that dribbles across the sensitive skin below my belly button. I keep jerking them, a little bit softer, making sure that every little bit lands on my skin, then rubbing their members back through the sticky trails.

Swallowing over and over, I take the load into my throat. It’s salty and a bit sweet. There’s an almost metallic flavor, like I am drinking vitamins. He stays in my mouth for a few more seconds until he begins to soften.

My throat burns as the dick slides away, and he maneuvers himself down to look into my eyes. His hands slide to cup my cheeks and his gaze is intense, a deep connection that I reciprocate.

There’s no point in pretending to be strangers. We have just connected in a very real place. His thumbs stroke my cheeks as he stares at me, then kisses my mouth closed, his expression grateful and satisfied.

I figure they’re all going to fall asleep or start getting dressed, but no. The one who fucked my throat raw begins to kiss my neck, sliding down a little bit, working his way to the end of the bed. The other two stroke my thighs, opening me up, working like a team to arrange me spread-eagled on the quilted bedspread.

Did I mention that I am shy? I know it seems weird to say it now, but I suddenly remember it is the middle of the day. Not even—it is still morning, which seems extra audacious somehow. With the blinds up and the window open, I am letting three gorgeous firemen unwrap and unfold me like a piece of candy. I am completely naked, with my thighs open and my pussy being spread by strangers.

But that thought is just a quick flash. It gets shot right out of the sky by the first stroke of his tongue against my soft folds. Yes, I want it so much. Holding those cocks, getting covered in cum has left me throbbing. I want more than I can even explain.

Three cocks. In me? All at once? Is that even possible? I push the thought out of my head. Not possible.

But what is possible is having my clit sucked right now. What is possible is having a finger… Two fingers?… Sliding up inside me, drumming rhythmically against my G-spot. I start to moan, circling my hips, gently maneuvering him to the part of me that needs him the most. I don’t even care. I want it. I want it so bad that it is all I can think about. I want him to suck my clit until I explode.

I know just how to get it. It’s like a series of locks, a series of secret corridors and a complex combination of sensation and pressure that unlocks a primal treasure that would make Indiana Jones blush. But I know the way. And I am not afraid to ask for it. I want it right now. Right… Now…

And, kaboom.

Fireworks explode in front of my eyes, sending sizzling snakes of light across my vision, like comets, like bombs, like bottle rockets on a summer night. Warmth and electricity wash through every inch of me, turning me from a person into a spirit, and back into a person again. I fall apart and am reassembled, over and over.

Shamelessly, I bathe in the absolute bliss. I hear myself moaning. I’m covered in sweat and cum. It’s perfect. It’s wonderful.

Vaguely I feel the mattress shift beneath me as one or more of them move, lifting me up and rearranging me so that I’m touching each of them equally. For a moment I think I drift into a dream, then back out again. When I open my eyes, the older one is smiling at me tenderly. He brushes a tendril of hair from my cheek and kisses me gently on my forehead.

“So, about that fire extinguisher,” he says softly.

The other two guys start to laugh, chuckling in unison. I am reminded of a bears’ den, maybe something I saw on a nature show once. We are like a pile of mammals in a den.

Tags: Jess Bentley Erotic