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“Well, that’s pretty amazing,” I breathe. “I guess it could have gotten worse. I mean, thank you…”

Almost out of habit, I reach up to hug the giant standing next to me, just in thanks. I mean, what else am I going to do? He did just save me from a fire, after all. And from Roger.

Sliding my arms over his neck is practically like climbing a tree, and to my surprise, he hugs me back. His giant hands cover the small of my back easily, and I feel like he hugs me just a little bit gently so he doesn’t hurt me or anything. I feel so small and delicate.

Seems kind of weird to hug him, though, so I decide I need to hug the other ones too, to make it look natural? If that makes any sense?

Awkwardly, I rush over to the one who opened the window and jump up onto my tiptoes, smiling in embarrassment. He gives me a quick but strong embrace, and I think for a moment that he actually holds me a little tightly, kind of pulls me toward him. Maybe he too is aware that I am practically naked in front of him.

When he sets me down, the look of hunger in his eyes is unmistakable. His nostrils flare as his eyes dart over my body. The brazen glance sets off something within me, like I have just had a switch turned to the full ON position.

Turning to the third man, I can barely catch my breath. He’s looking at me intensely, practically warning me not to do what I am going to do next.

“Thank you very much,” I say politely as I wrap my arms over his shoulders.

The stubble on his cheek brushes against my neck, sending shivers through my whole body. Instantly my nipples get rock hard, and I can tell that he feels them pressing against his chest. I hear him sigh or groan, just a little bit, just a brief masculine exclamation.

When I am just about to slide down him, I feel his hands redirect me, pulling me closer. Then his cheek slides against mine, and my mouth slides against the corner of his mouth, and then his lips are on my lips, and his tongue is nudging against my tongue.

Every cell in my body is screaming “oh hell yeah!” as I submit to this absolutely insane, spontaneous crash of a kiss. I can feel every bit of it: the subtle stubble on his upper lip, the coffee-sweet flavor on his tongue, the musk of his breath that I inhale every time he exhales.

And suddenly, there’s even more. I feel a presence behind me, then another. Suddenly I am kissing, touching, squeezing all three men. Hands slide everywhere, pulling my robe from my shoulders, stroking my body, kneading my tits and ass.

It’s like being pulled out to sea. I don’t even have time to think about it. I barely wish for something, and somebody is doing it. I wish for a mouth on my nipple and somebody is already nibbling it. I wish for hands at my waist and there they are.

I wish for fingers to spread open my nether lips, and fingers are already there. I wish to inhale the gorgeous, lush scent of a man’s sweat, and suddenly there is a beautiful set of sculpted pecs in front of my face, just begging me to lick and suck them.

I can’t keep them straight, and I don’t try to. Maybe it is the adrenaline of the morning, or maybe I am still partly asleep. Whatever it is, it takes me away. All four of us tumble through the bedroom door and fall onto my bed, twisting and tangling over each other in a confusion of arms and legs.

As soon as I want cock, there is cock. There is more than one cock. I have one in each hand, and one drifting across my lower lip, fat and dusky pink. Moans fill the air as I jerk these two thick dicks in each hand and fill my mouth with the third. It is almost more dick than I can handle. It is almost more dick than I ever knew I wanted.

Yet it is absolutely fucking perfect.

Suddenly it occurs to me that I would really like to have all three cocks explode at the same time. Kind of like a magic trick. Kind of like I am an absolute sorceress, a goddess of cock.

And you know what? I am absolutely going to do it. I know that I can. I suck that fat cock to the back of my mouth, swallowing against it so that my throat muscles milk him, drawing him ever closer to the precipice of coming into my throat.

I can feel that the cocks in my hands are thick, veiny, and ready to go. With every stroke, I pick up a little bit of moisture from the tips and drag it back down, lubricating these glorious shafts with their own precum.

Tags: Jess Bentley Erotic