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I slam the car in park outside theDen, it’s out of the city where my brothers will never hear word of what happens here. In this place I’m not Knight Murdoch, I’m just a random guy who can be whoever he wants. I feel her gaze on me as I slip out of the car. By the time I round the front, she’s already getting out and taking in her surroundings. I slide up next to her and wait for her to panic or try to run. The Den is dark and grungy, an old biker’s pub that has been transformed.

“This the place where you’re gonna try kill me, playboy?” I smirk down at her.

“Nah, this is the place where you learn who I really am and that out of all my brothers I am the one you need to fear.”

She doesn’t look taken back by my declaration, all I see is intrigue in her eyes. Koby isn’t like most girls, they would be screaming and clutching my arm in fear at being at a place like the Den. Biker’s and fighters mill about but pay us no mind. The Den is neutral territory, so it doesn’t matter who you are or where you came from when you’re here. Everyone is equal. In a sense, I feel more like myself here than I do at home. No one judges you for your past or the fuck ups you have done. I grip her hand in mine and lead her toward the front. Kevin, the bouncer, spots me and pushes the door open. I ignore all the others that stand around and shout that they were waiting for hours.

I shoulder our way through the crowd, it’s packed in here and you can barely hear anything over the roar of the crowd. I push my way through till we reach a small alcove near the back of the bar, pushing my hood back so Kenny the guard for the lockers can see me. He nods and steps aside allowing us through. I pull Koby after me and head to the back room where I know it will be empty. I release her hand and close the door after we enter, turn back and watch as her brow begins to crease. There is nothing in here except for two wooden chairs, a set of lockers and a bench seat.

“What is this place?” I ignore her question as I head for the locker and yank it open. I pull my hoodie and shirt off and shove it inside. I grab my tape and everything I will need for when Mav gets here, he’s the only one who knows what I do here. “Knight?” I lift my gaze to hers as I answer.

“This is where I fight, you think the other night was a cash prize. That is chump change compared to what you can make here.” Surprise flickers across her gaze as she takes me in. Before she can answer the door opens and Mav strolls in, he nods hello to her before coming to me and taping my hands.

“You good?” Mav asks as he straps my left hand. If I don’t do this and go back with split knuckles my brother will ask too many questions.

“Yeah,” I answer.

“Good, you fight then get the fuck out of here, got me?” I catch his stare, I see the unease in his gaze.


“Pauly’s crew is out there. They may not be able to do shit in here but that won’t stop them once you leave. I got Mike and Ronnie coming out to tail you home. Don’t fight me on this.” I glare at him, he may be here helping me but we aren’t friends.

“Know your place––”

“My place is telling Bishop everything I know, don’t forget that!” My upper lips pulls back in a snarl as I ready myself to tear him a new asshole, but Koby cuts in.

“I wouldn’t make threats, considering you’re the one betraying your boss right now. Imagine if Knight were to slip up and let his brother know that you knew he was here…” She whistles between her teeth and I have to fight the smile that wants to break free when Mav scowls over at her. Koby doesn’t cower under the pressure of his gaze, she holds his stare with one of her own.

“Little girl, don’t butt in and try and play with the big boys.” It grates on my nerves the way he speaks to her, only I can fuck with her.

“Oh, is that all you got, big boy?” she taunts Mav.

“I’m not arguing with someone that should have been swallowed.” Koby doesn’t falter in her reply to Mav.

“Bitch, please, your birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory!” I can’t hold it in, I throw my head back and laugh. I haven’t laughed this hard in years. Mav is looking at me like he wants to put a knife in my chest as Koby’s shoulder shake with silent laughter. He finishes strapping my hand, then storms from the room like a toddler.


I stand on the side of the ring and watch as Knight toys with his opponent. He taunts him, plays with him when anyone with eyes can see Knight is in control of this fight. The other guy is stupid to think he has a chance. His hits are all over the place and he never keeps his face guarded. He could have been knocked out in the first round but Knight is loving playing with him. The sight of him shirtless with sweat glistening off his chest… I had no idea he had a tattoo on his back. It’s Mother Mary praying with rosary beads on her hand.

The other strikes out and manages to clip Knight across the jaw. I see it then, the carefree look in his brown eyes changes instantly. My eyes widen as I watch his eyes glass over, almost like he has zoned out and allowed someone else control of his body. He lands two blows to the kidneys before cocking his right arm and hitting right in the middle of his face. There is no way his nose isn’t broken. The guy drops to the ground like a sack of shit as the crowd erupts screaming theViperover and over again. Knight snaps his gaze to me. I lift my hands slowly and clap whilst cocking a single brow at him. I can see him fighting a smirk, he doesn’t fuck around or gloat in the glory of his victory, he exits the makeshift ring and marches toward me.

He stops directly in front of me, ignoring everyone around us as they touch him and congratulate him on his win. The heat from his body soaks into me. I dart my tongue out to moisten my lips causing him to snap. He grips my hands and pulls me after him back toward the locker room we exited earlier. No sooner are we in the room, he kicks the door shut and pins against the wall, smashing his mouth to mine. I open for him without a fight. What’s the point when he knows I want him. I snake my arms around his neck. He grips the backs of my thighs and lifts me without breaking our kiss. It isn’t pleasant, our teeth clash as we fight for dominance. I grip the strands of his hair and pull––hard. He growls into my mouth before breaking the kiss and biting and sucking along my neck. I lock my legs around his waist when he grips my shirt and yanks it off, rips the cups of my bra down, then squeezes my nipples making me cry out. He bends down and captures it in his mouth sucking on my nipple hard. I grind against him and gasp when I feel how hard he is.

He switches sides and pays my other nipple the same amount of attention. I’m a panting mess and know I have soaked through my fucking thong. I’m woman enough to admit that Knight Murdoch has had my attention since the first time I met him back at my hotel. There is something truly dark and alluring about him that sucks me in and wants to bathe in the darkness inside him. He reaches back, untangles my legs, then slides me down his body until I land on my feet. He doesn’t pause as he grips the waistband of my pants and yanks them down. He leaves my thong on, then gazes up at me with a lustful look in his eyes.

“Arms above your head and don’t fucking move them.” The rough sound of his voice sends shivers down my spine, making me do as he says. He lifts one of my legs and throws it over his shoulder. I watch transfixed as he leans forward and runs his nose along my sex inhaling. “Fuck, you smell so good.” Slightly embarrassed by his comment I stand still and don’t answer.

He reaches out and pulls my panties to the side. He doesn’t fuck around, swiping his tongue through my folds and I cry out. He reaches up and twists my nipple between his fingers while his other grips my ass and pulls me forward. He pushes his tongue inside my pussy causing me to buck my hips, my body taking control and begins to ride his face.

“Oh fuck!” I moan when he sucks my clit into his mouth. I’m not the type of girl that can come fast. It takes me time and normally guys don’t care enough to make sure a woman comes, as long as they do that’s all they care about. Not Knight, the way he knows where to swipe his tongue and how much pressure is needed has me wanting to come already. “Knight… fuck, don’t stop.” I feel my orgasm building, it’s right there within reach, I slam my eyes closed and prepare myself for it to hit.

“Nope.” I snap my eyes open and glare down at him when he pulls back pushing my leg from his shoulder. I’m so fucking stunned, I don’t know what to say. Seriously he’s going to deny me that? Before I gather my thoughts or scream at him he pushes his pants down, his cock smacks against his stomach causing my own stomach to twist. There is no way a teenage boy should have that big of a cock!

It's long and thick. Fuck me, Knight is circumcised!

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance