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“I know that you are arataand are nothing more than a bitch trying to prove herself to her daddy. Let me tell you something, little girl.” He closes the space between us and I crane my neck back to keep eye contact. “You fuck with my family and I’ll show you a side of me not many have seen. King may be the one Bishop calls on forextractionbut, unlike him, I love getting bloody and listening to my victims scream. It makes me rock fucking hard.” I grind my teeth so hard I fear I may break them. He shoulders past me, heading toward his house while I stand here trying to tamper my rage.

* * *

“You shouldn’t be here.” I glare at Gage’s back as he lands blow after blow to the punching bag. The man is good. Without even turning he knew I was here, his senses are about as good as mine.

“Why not?” I ask as I drop my bag on the bench seat and move toward him to hold the bag. He runs his gaze over me as I grip the bag, but says nothing. He doesn’t pull his punches or worry that the force of the landing on the bag will knock me down. He respects me and I appreciate that. He knows I can hold my own and don’t need to be babied like the others. “Does Kiara fight?” That gets him to pause and focus on me.

“Why?” I can hear the suspicion in his voice. I’ve let this family think I know nothing about them, when in truth, I know they have a sister and Gage is their half-brother. I know more about this family and their dealings than their inside men. I didn’t get to where I am today by being docile. Everything they perceive about me is an act.

“I’m just curious,” I say with a shrug. He shakes his head as he backs up.

“If you think Bishop will let her in the ring with you, you’re out of your fucking mind.” I roll my lips over my teeth and nod. I figured as much. “Why do you want to fight her?” The way he tenses tells me he is starting wonder if everything the others say about me is true. Gage is a lot of things but he isn’t dumb. He knows there is more to me than meets the eye. He may be the only Murdoch to see beneath my mask.

“I heard she is undefeated and wanted to change that.” His eyes widen and a huge smile splits across his face.

“You won’t be able to get a paid match with her but I can set one up here.” He nods his head toward the training ring and I grin. Fighting Kiara doesn’t have anything to do with my plan, this fight is all for me.

I spend the next few hours training with Gage. I love the way my muscles burn after a good training session with him. Just because I’m no longer in Russia doesn’t mean I can slack off. I need to keep up my training in case they come looking. I head for the showers and make quick work of undressing. No one is in here at this time. I turn the shower on and step under the spray. The cold water eases some of the tension in my body. I don’t know how people can stand to be under the hot spray. I’ve always preferred cold to hot. I lather the shampoo through my hair and freeze when I feel a presence. I turn the shower off and grab my towel. Wrapping it around my body I turn left toward the lockers and pause as I strain my hearing.


Just as I talk myself into believing the feeling I had was all in my head, I hear movement behind me. Spinning I strike out. Knight dodges the hit and I growl. He stands here in a pair of blue jeans and a gray sweatshirt with the hood up. His dark eyes bore into mine, as I’m standing here in nothing but a towel with shampoo still in my hair.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I snap at him.

“Just checking in on the Russian spy.” The disgust in his voice is apparent. I ignore it.

“Well, as you can see, I’m standing here holding a private meeting with the Bratva conspiring to take down your family.” His upper lip lifts in a snarl as I spread my feet apart to be ready in case he decides to come at me.

“You think you are so smart. You are nothing!”

“Good to know. Now if you would kindly fuck off,” I sneer at him whilst shouldering past. I ignore him all together as I drop my towel and head for the shower, again. I close my eyes to rinse my hair. He may think he has me in a vulnerable position but he is a fool. I’ll hear him, feel him if he moves a step closer to me and it will be his worst mistake if he thinks he can take me down.


Her body is sculpted to perfection, every part molded perfectly. I follow the suds from the shampoo as it flows down her body. Her tits are perky and pebbled from the cold spray. The suds roll down the crease between her tits and continue down her flat, toned stomach. I give up following it as it rolls straight past her pussy. Fuck! The sight of her bare pussy has my mouth watering for a taste of her, my cock straining inside my pants. I bite my lip to stop the groan that wants to break free when she runs her hands down her body. She does it innocently and has no idea the effect that is having on me.

Leaning against the wall, I watch as she conditions her hair and runs her fingers through it to get rid of all the knots. I swallow a few times trying to get my body on board with my mind—we hate her! She is a means to an end, getting the information from her about the Russian’s means I can leave. My family won’t be divided with me gone. They will be able to go back to being happy with no tension or worrying about me––the dark one of the family. I’m the unstable one they fear, they think if I’m pushed too hard I’ll snap. They aren’t wrong, there is a darkness inside me that is only quieted wheneversheseems to be around. What they all don’t know is, I fight as well.

I’ve been fighting for years, I needed an outlet for my rage and thirst for blood. Bishop won’t allow me to get involved in what King does. What he doesn’t know is Mav brings some of those assholes to me instead of King. Mav is just as fucked up as I am, he loves to paint the walls with our enemy’s blood and laugh in their faces as they scream. I refocus on her when she shuts the water off, then squeezes her hair to rid it of excess water before gripping her towel and wrapping it around her delectable body. I glare at the white fucking towel that blocks my view of her. Her chuckle has me snapping my gaze to hers and narrowing my eyes.

“Like what you see, playboy?” I don’t answer, I just stand here and watch as she heads to her locker and begins to dress. I nearly choke on my tongue when she bends over giving me a full view of her ass and pussy as she slips her pink lace… thong on.


Just seeing her in nothing but that thin scrap of lace has my cock ragging harder and wanting to be buried deep inside her. I hate to admit it, but it takes a lot more strength than I want to admit to remove my gaze from her. I’m here for a purpose and that doesn’t include pinning her against the lockers and fucking the shit out of her. She strides past me after she’s finished changing. I don’t object to following her out because I have a fucking epic view of her plump ass. As we exit the gym she heads toward the side where her car waits. I reach out, grip her hand and drag her to my car. She doesn’t fight or hurl questions at me. I unlock my car and she slips into the passenger seat like it’s the most normal thing in the world.

Neither of us says a word as I peel out of the lot. My phone begins to ring immediately and I smirk when I see Gage’s name flash. I answer the call through the cars Bluetooth.

“What?” I snap, and feel Koby’s eyes on me but ignore her.

“What are you doing, brother?” I white knuckle the steering wheel, we may share blood but that doesn’t mean shit.

“Whatever the fuck I want! Mind your business Gage––”

“You forget, she ismybusiness.” I grind my teeth.

“Not anymore!” I end the call not bothering to try tamper my rage. I love how it courses through my body, it makes me feel alive. I drive through the busy streets heading to the docks to meet King and Bishop. It was my idea to do this and I don’t really give a fuck if she loses her shit and tries to fight. I’ll make her fucking submit to me. I crave control––no, I need it. After everything that happened with Christine, I can’t function without it. I thrive off the submission of others.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance