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“Just say it, baby.” She nods and pulls up a picture. Kiara gasps and I stiffen behind her, Knight curses.

“Is that…” Kiara can’t even bring herself to say the words.

“That is Vincent Murelo, Vinny Murelo’s son,” Koby says, barely above a whisper. I stare at the picture unsure of what the fuck to do, the time stamp on the photo reads two days ago. In the picture Carlina is walking hand in hand through the airport with our enemies fucking son! She has no fucking idea that she is in danger or that his father had a hand in our brother’s death.

“Find her now and fucking bring me that cock sucker’s head. I want our sister back in this fucking house before the day is out!” I growl. Knight nods his agreement, he’s ready to take out his vengeance on the fucker. He’ll pay for the crimes of his father, that I can promise you.

“Bishop?” I cut my gaze to Koby and nod for her to continue. “I’ve searched him before, Vincent. He doesn’t come up on any database on the web at all.”

“What are you saying?” I snap, earning a glare from my brother.

“I done some digging, Vincent Murelo is supposed to be dead. That guy may look like him but he isn’t Vinny’s son.” I furrow my brow in confusion.

“Then who the fuck is he?” I ask, knowing she has the answer.

“From what I found, he is known as the Bloodhound. He’s who people use to sniff out their enemies. He has a kill rate of 100%. He is a hired killer, Bishop. That guy is the one you send in when everything else fails. I think your sister is in real danger here.”

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance