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“There was an… accident and he––”

“Don’t fucking say it!” she pleads, the watery tone of her voice lets me know she is close to tears. I take a deep breath and push myself to get it out.

“He’s missing, we need you to come home now. We’re at war and Bishop won’t make a move until we know you are here safe.” She takes a deep breath. I picture her with a scowl on her face and her little nose scrunched up in anger.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can.” I nod even though she can’t see me. “Knight?”


“I want to know everything when I get back, don’t water shit down for me.” I smile. My sister is a fucking force and I pity the guy that ends up with her.

“Deal. When you’re back I want an explanation about how you knew about Koby and Dimitri.” She’s silent for a beat and worry begins to gnaw at me.

“Okay, just… promise to keep an open mind.” I grit my teeth then take a deep breath before speaking.

“Okay.” We end the call with Car promising to get back here within the week, apparently she has some shit to sort wherever she is before she can come home.

* * *

Later that evening…

“Well if you had asked me months ago what I saw myself doing in the new year, this sure as fuck wouldn’t have been it.” Bishop, Gage and I all laugh at King. We’re standing around the counter watching our girls and Mela play Uno. It’s such a normal thing to do but to us it’s… weird. None of us know how to play any board games as we were never allowed to play as kids. I take a sip of my beer and smile wide when Koby throws her head back and laughs at something Ally said. The three of them cut a glance at us and then giggle before huddling their heads together and talking low enough that we can’t hear.

“I feel like they are planning something,” I say. Bish snorts.

“When aren’t they?” That earns a chuckle from all of us.

“You know they are all having a dick measuring contest, right?” The three of us turn to stare at Gage. He shrugs his shoulders like we’re fucking dumb for not knowing that.

“Why the fuck would they care, they don’t have dicks?” Bishop quips earning a smirk from Gage. “Spit it out dick, what the fuck do you know?” Bishop hates not knowing shit. He and Kiara have a deal, they can’t lie to each other, so the thought of her hiding something from him has him on edge.

“They aren’t talking about themselves, asshole. They’re talking aboutyourdicks.” Bishop puffs his chest out like he’s won the contest. King and I both snort at the cocky fucker.

“We all know I was namedKingfor a reason.” Bishop pins him a disgusted look.

“Your pin dick is nothing compared to mine!” I step in wanting to put an end to this bickering.

“You’re both wrong, I have the biggest cock out of all of you.” They both gape at me but my victory is short lived when all three girls turn again but this time their gazes are on… Gage. We all follow their line of sight and pin him with a glare.

“What?” he snaps, looking between us, then it dawns on me. I throw my head back laughing. I can feel their angry stares on me so I clamp my mouth shut and pat Bish and King on the back and fill them in on what I know.

“All three of those girls have seen our cocks.” Both of them nod but I can see they are both confused as hell still. “Onlyoneof them has seen Gage’s…” I let my sentence trail, allowing them time to come to their own conclusion. Gage’s eyes widen and smartly rounds the corner away from Bishop who a second later pins him with a look that promises pain.

“I’m gonna fucking end you,” Bish growls out, before stomping into the living room, gripping Kiara around the waist and hauling her over his shoulder caveman style, causing everyone to laugh at his brooding possessive ass. I make my way to my girl and offer my hand, she takes it willingly and steps into my arms wrapping her own around my waist.

“You told them I was the biggest, right?” Ally and Koby both laugh. I hear King and Gage muttering shit behind me but ignore them. For the first time in a long time I feel at peace within myself. There is a part of me that knows I will never be whole again though. My soul was ripped in half the night my brother disappeared, that piece of me will never heal. I’ll live with that void inside myself for as long as I shall live.


Four days later…

I pace the length of my office needing something to do other than sitting in my fucking chair waiting. Carlina was supposed to have been here hours ago. I sent Mav and Luka to collect her from the airport but she never made it off the flight. They scoured the whole fucking airport and came up empty. Knight and Koby sit on the couch in my office with their faces buried in their computers. King is out searching for her, I know there is no way she could have been intercepted by Pauly or Vinny. We’ve been tracking them since the night of the fight. I feel Kiara’s gaze on me but I can’t let her distract me, I need to think.

“Uh.” I stop pacing and turn to Koby who looks like she is ready to puke, it’s all she fucking does these days. The smell of coffee, food or any fucking thing makes her throw up. Kiara thinks I’m an ass because I don’t pity her, but fuck it, she isn’t my girl to care for.

“You need to take a break, baby?” Knight asks. It’s still a shocking sight for me to witness. The change in my brother was almost instant, as soon as he stopped fighting his feelings for her it was like a side of him he had buried came back to life.

“No, but I think you should see this.” Knight looks to me and I make my way over. Kiara rushes to my side and I pull her in front of me wrapping my arms around her middle and resting my chin on her shoulder. Koby looks to Knight and I can tell from the frown on his face he can tell something isn’t right.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance