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“Agree to my terms and I’ll let you come, baby, I’ll let you come all over my cock.” Her pupils dilate then narrow, before she can argue I push inside her again distracting her with my dick. “Agree, baby, and I’ll let you come.” I see the fight in her eyes, she wants to tell me to fuck off but she also needs this release.

“Knight––” I slam my mouth against hers and kiss her, pouring all my emotions into this kiss hoping she can feel what I feel for her. She turns her face to the side, breaking the kiss. She cups my face between her hands, her gaze searching mine for a moment. “I won’t stop training…” I’m prepared to argue but she pushes on. “But I’ll train at the gym at your house.” A satisfied smirk graces my face in triumphant. “Now fuck me and make me scream your name, playboy.” I do just that, I fuck her hard and fast until we both come harder then we have before crying out the others name.

Koby and I make our way out of the locker room. I ignore my brothers and the girls’ laughter, pulling Koby closer into my side. Koby laughs along with the others and within a second I join them. I’m fucking soaked from head to toe and without a doubt, they all know we were in the back fucking. Plus, they probably heard Koby screaming my name.

* * *

“Will we stay here?” I pull my gaze from my laptop and look to Dimitri who is sitting on the couch opposite me. Koby and I came home and hung out at the guest house all day—fucking and… laughing. It’s been a day I’ll never forget, that’s for sure.

“Yeah, bro, you both will live here.” It’s strange to sit here and watch a fifteen year old boy lose the weight of the world from his shoulders. Koby has tried to shield him from all the horrors she has had to face, but always being on the run and never having a place to call home, no school or anything must be hard for the kid. That’s when the idea hits me. “How would you feel about going to school?” His eyes widen in surprise, a huge smile graces his face.


“Het!” (No.) Dimitri’s shoulders fall at Koby’s one word.

“Why not?” I shock the shit out of myself asking that question. Believe it or not, I’ve grown to actually like the kid a bit. Her green eyes swing to me and narrow in warning.

“He can’t––”

“Why not?” She ducks her gaze to the floor in shame.

“He hasn’t been in years,” she whispers. I stand and drop my laptop in the seat I was just on, before moving toward her, wrapping my arms around her and bury my nose in her hair, inhaling her scent.

“He needs this, baby. I’ll get him tutors and whatever else he will need to get him up to speed with kids his own age.” She pulls back and stares up at me with tears in her eyes.

“You’d do that for him?” I smile.

“I’d do that for you and our family.” A lone tear slips down her cheek. I reach up and brush it away with my thumb and place a kiss to her lips before stepping back to allow her time alone with her brother. I step out and let them talk for a bit. I have a brother of my own to search for.


Two weeks later…

It’s the night of the fight and my nerves are going crazy. Bishop had to change plans and push the fight ahead two weeks’ time because he and Kiara had to fly to Miami to see her father. Knight’s in his own head and I don’t know how to pull him out. As the days pass, I know he is trying to hold on and not recede inside himself. Every day he is on his laptop, hacking every camera near the dock trying to find a sign that his brother is alive. It breaks my heart every night when he crawls into bed beside me and I see the defeated look in his eyes. He needs this fight to use as an outlet.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I meet his gaze in the bathroom mirror as I finish tying my hair in a high ponytail. I slowly turn to face him. He runs his gaze over me. I’m wearing black, knee-high boots, tight black jeans, a white off the shoulder top and decided to apply a bit of makeup.

“Getting ready to leave?” His eyes crinkle at the corners.

“You’re not coming, end of discussion.” He turns and flees. I chase after him because there is no fucking way he is telling me what I can and can’t do. He opens the door and races from the guest house, I’m hot on his heels.

“If you keep fucking walking away from me, playboy, I’ll kick your fucking ass!” He slams to a stop in the middle of the lawn then swings around to face me. I hold his heated stare as I place my hands on my hips. “What is your problem?”

“Go back inside, baby. Your ass isn’t coming with me.” I scowl up at the controlling bastard.

“I’m coming. You can either bring me with you or I’ll call Gage and get him––” The words die in my throat as he darts forward crowding my space. He grips the back of my neck, hauls me against him, then bends at the knees so we are eye level. The intensity in his gaze sends a shiver down my spine.

“Say his fucking name again, baby, and your pussy will pay the price.” My mouth drops open in shock. He uses his free hand to push my mouth closed. I smack it away. “If you keep your mouth open like that, I’ll take it as an invitation to fill it.”

“If you don’t take me with you, then your cock will never see the inside of my pussy again,” I sass back. His eyes darken, he loves it when I fight back he just won’t admit it.

“I can’t, you have to stay here.”

“Why?” He sighs before dropping his forehead to mine.

“I won’t be able to focus on the fight or what happens after if you’re in the crowd.” He places his hand on my stomach like he does at least a dozen times a day making me smile. “I can’t risk you getting hurt or something happening to our babies. Please, don’t fight me on this.” I can hear the plea in his tone and as much as I want to tell him to kiss my ass, I don’t. I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my cheek against his chest breathing him in. This right here is the reason I never wanted to care. I hate that I can’t control what is going to happen. Losing him would break me.

I pull back keeping my hands on his waist as I search his gaze, all I see is love shinning back at me and it steals the fucking breath from my lungs. I run my hands up his sides wrapping them around his neck, I pull him to me and kiss him. The taste of him invades my senses and I moan, he pulls back before I can go any further and rests his forehead against mine. I keep my eyes closed as I whisper.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance