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“Pauly and AJ made a move,” Luka rushes to say.

“What’d they do?” Bishop growls whilst clenching his fists at his sides.

“They tried to buy out the silent partners in California. They’re coming after the income and then for you.” Bishop nods mulling over Mav’s words, but before he can speak Gage pipes up.

“And how is it that you found this out before it happened, Mav?” All eyes cut to Gage. Mav doesn’t even flinch under the pressure of Gage’s gaze.

“It’s my job to know.” The anger that laces Mav’s words makes it clear he and Gage don’t like each other.

“Set it up. Get the guys together and set Knight up a fight for tomorrow night. He’ll draw AJ out and we’ll make a move on Pauly. We end this shit with them and then go after Vinny. I want each of my brother’s running their territories and their men under us, then we go for the Bratva.”

“If we do that, we should have enough soldiers to go after the Russian’s––” I cut King off.

“No.” All eyes swing to me. I keep my eyes on Bishop as I continue. “Vlad has the local police, armies and his men at his disposal. You will need more than what you will have to go against him. If you want him out…” I turn to Knight as I say the last part. “I’ll draw him out.” Knight’s eyes darken.

“You’re out your fucking mind if you think that is an option.” His tone is low but his words hold the weight of his rage.

“It might be the only way––” Knight cuts his stare to Bishop, who clamps his mouth closed.

“You find another way. She isn’t going to be the bait. I won’t lose some––I won’t let her do it.” My heart aches for him, he’s terrified of losing someone else he loves.

* * *

After breakfast all the guys retreated to Bishop’s office to hash out a plan. I thought I would be spending the day hacking to try find Anya. She hasn’t checked in. Kiara and Allison asked if I would go to the gym with them and honestly, I jumped at the chance to get the fuck out of here and clear my mind. The gym seems to be the only place I can do that.

The car ride is silent but it’s not uncomfortable. I don’t have anything against either of these two. I actually like them both and for the first time I allow myself the freedom to actually get to know them instead of closing myself off and preparing to run. Liking people and creating connections makes shit difficult when you have to drop everything and run in an instant.

“So, you and Knight huh.” I snort while Kiara laughs at Ally’s attempt to spark a conversation. She narrows her gaze on Kiara who just shrugs her shoulders whilst keeping her eyes on the road. Ally peers over her seat and looks at me expectantly. I can’t help the stupid smile that spreads across my face.

“Yeah,” I breathe out. They each ask me questions about mine and Knight’s relationships as we drive to the gym.

“I’m so glad he finally let someone in, he’s going to need you when the search…” Kiara clamps her mouth closed, not daring to speak her thoughts aloud. We’re all thinking it, but no one has said it. Rook is dead but the guys won’t acknowledge that. “Has he said anything to you about how he’s coping?” An irrational sense of pride swells inside me knowing he hasn’t spoken to either of these two, only me.

“He won’t give up on him, he can’t. It’s not in his make up,” is I all say before climbing out of the car once Kiara parks out the front of the gym. Once inside, I head straight for the locker rooms to change and get ready to lose myself in a workout. I need to clear my mind and try to sort out everything that is swirling inside my head. Anya hasn’t checked in—she has never missed a check in with me. I’m pregnant. Dimitri seems to be coming out of shell more. Knight… we are a thing. Just the thought of him has me fighting to keep the smile from my face.

I’m in the ring with Gage, who showed up at the gym about twenty minutes after us. He’s been running the three of us through a workout that has my muscles aching but in the best possible way. My ribs are healed so I’m not in pain, but the wound that is almost healed on my shoulder gives me a bit of grief but I push through it.

“Bend your knees, Ally. Hands up, doll.” Gage turns to me and motions for me to join him in the center. I do. I get into position and wait for him to tell me what’s next. He places his hands on my hips ready to give instructions but freezes when we hear a gun cock. All of us turn toward the entrance and freeze.

Bishop stands in the middle with his glare pointed at his girl. King to his right with an unreadable expression on his face. I look to Bishop’s left to find Knight’s gaze already on me, no not on me exactly, he’s eyeing Gage’s hands on me. I step out of Gage’s hold and grit my teeth. I am not doing this shit.


I watch as she pulls out of Gage’s hold, jumps from the ring and heads for the locker room. I chase after her, there is no fucking way this shit is going to keep happening! I kick the door open causing it to slam against the wall with a resounding bang. I walk to the second row of lockers and stop when I see her peeling her Spanx down her legs. I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the locker, she narrows her eyes but doesn’t stop. She peels her crop top off and stands before me in a thong and white sports bra.

“Say whatever it is you have to say, don’t be a pussy,” she grits out as she grabs a towel from the locker. Oh hell, fucking no. I grip her arm as she tries to walk past and glare down at her.

“There is no fucking way you are showering here.” She pulls free of my hold and pushes her lips to the side before shaking her head and marching her naked ass to the shower. Growling I stalk after her. She has just turns the water on, then I’m crowding her space. She moves until her back is against the cold, tiled wall, and hisses when her back touches the wall. Jerking forward, I push into her keeping her in place with my body. I use my arms to cage her in, not giving a fuck that I’m getting soaked from the shower head.

“What is your problem?” she snaps. I drop my arms from either side of her head and grip the globes of her ass, causing her to gasp and lurch forward so she is flush against me.

“This is mine,” I growl as I knead her cheeks. Her eyes glaze over with need. “I’m the only one who gets to see this ass, not Gage or any other fucker that comes here.” I move one of my hands and push between our bodies to cup her sex, she moans then quickly bites her lip. “This is mine, Katarina, no one else gets to see this but me.” She gasps at the use of her real name and tips her head to the side offering me her neck.

“Then take what’s yours, playboy.” Her voice is raspy and full of need. I free myself from my jeans and lift her. She locks her legs around my waist and smashes her lips against mine. I push her thong to the slide and run a finger through her slit making sure she is ready for me, groaning when I feel her arousal coat my finger.

“You’re fucking soaked for me, baby.” Her only response is to moan and grind down against my finger. I pull it out before it can slip inside her tight wet cunt. She groans in annoyance. I line my cock up and prod at her entrance. She tries to push down but I hold her still. “You don’t change here, shower here or anything. This is your last training session at this gym.” She opens her mouth to argue, so I slam inside her to disrupt her train of thought.

“Fuck, Knight!” I lean forward and bite the side of her neck, slamming into her at a punishing rate. I can feel her clenching my cock ready to come, so I pull back. I do this twice before she growls. “What the fuck?” I pull back from her neck and glare down at her.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance