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“I don’t owe you shit,” I croak. I’ve never expected anyone in this world to protect me or even help me for that matter, but the smallest fucking part of me hoped that Knight would be the first person in the world to do that for me. The fact he can’t even look at me has me shaking my head and wincing in pain. I don’t know what the fuck happened or how I ended up in here, all I remember is feeling dizzy and burning up then everything went black.

“I need answers, Koby, I need you to give them to me willingly or…” He lets his sentence trail off allowing me to draw my own conclusion. I snort, drawing his gaze back to me. His eyes hold pain and regret which just fuels the anger building inside me.

“Or what? You gonna lock me up and starve me again? Have one of your boys smack me around a bit?” He flinches in shame but I don’t stop. “I never fucking betrayed you––”

“Then why the fuck did you take my brother to the docks?” he shouts while climbing to his feet and pacing the room. I push myself up and groan in pain. Knight is at my side within a second. I smack his hands away not wanting him to help me in anyway. “Just fucking let me help you, goddammit!” I only relent because I’m in fucking pain. My right side is aching and I don’t understand why, I never fucking felt the pain before now.

He helps me lean against the headboard but something snags in my nose. Reaching up, I feel a tube and try to pull it out. Knight smacks my hand away.

“Leave it in.”

“What the fuck is it in there for?” He flicks his gaze away from mine as he answers.

“It’s a feeding tube. It was the only way we could get food in you while you were out.” My left arm twitches in anger but I tamper it down in order to ask.

“How long was I out?” He pushes away from me and paces the room, ignoring my question. “How fucking long was I out, Knight?” I shout at him.

“Six fucking days.” That has my eyes widening, how the fuck could I have been out for that long?


“Where is Dimitri?”

“Upstairs sleeping, I sent him to bed a few hours ago.”

“You sent him to bed?” Since when did Knight give a fuck about him? He runs a hand through his hair in agitation.

“I didn’t fucking touch him, I wanted to but…”

“You lay one fucking finger on him––” That has him rushing me and getting right in my face.

“You’ll fucking what? You forget where the fuck you are and who you fucking belong to!” I use my right hand, the one without the IV in it to shove him back but he doesn’t even budge.

“I don’t belong to any fucking body.” I reach over ready to rip the IV from my hand in order to go in search of D and make sure he is okay, but Knight pins my arms to the bed. I thrash in his hold, ignoring the pain that radiates through my body as I try to break free.

“Just fucking stop!”


“Because I fucking said.” We’re screaming at each other. The door bangs open, causing us both to freeze. Bishop stands in the open doorway with his gun in his hand. He opens his mouth but a grunt is all that comes out when Allison shoulders her way past him earning a glare from the Don. She rushes to the side of the queen bed that is vacant and carefully climbs up next to me. Bishop flicks the room light on and I close my eyes to give myself a moment to adjust to the lighting. I blink my eyes open slowly but when I do it’s not just the four of us any more, King, Kiara and Gage are now in here. I cringe, hating being the center of attention with all their curious gazes on me.

“How are you feeling?” Ally’s question pulls my focus back to her. I muster a smile for her sake, not mine.

“Like shit.” She cringes but I don’t have the energy to placate her or ease her worries. Honestly, I’m fucking mad that she knew where I was and didn’t do a fucking thing to help me. “Is Dimitri okay?” She smiles warmly at the mention of D.

“He’s been okay but worried about you of course.” Kiara moves forward and places her hand on my leg.

“I’m glad you’re awake.” I can’t take this shit anymore.

“Why the fuck are you all here?” Both the girls eyes widen, Knight crosses his arms over his chest but doesn’t pull his angry glare from me. The other three just stand in the back staring at me like I’m a circus act.

“We’re here because we care,” Allison says but even I can hear the goddam hesitation in her voice.

“You care?” I don’t give her a chance to answer before I continue. “You’re a fucking liar. I saved you and you fucking repay me by turning your back on me! Fuck you Alison, fuck you all.” I reach over and tear the cannula from the top of my hand. Knight tries to stop me but he’s too late, the feeding tube is next to go. I shove him back when he tries to stop me from climbing off the bed.

“Fucking stop or you’ll hurt yourself!” he yells whilst trying to subdue me. Fuck him, I fight harder ignoring the pain. I manage to wrench my arm free and land a solid hit to the side of his jaw that has him cursing and letting me go. I push off the bed but the moment I stand, my legs give out. Knight catches me around the waist and a scream tears out of me the moment he hauls me against his chest. My ribs burn. “Fuck. I’m sorry.” I freeze in his hold, did he just apologize? “Koby… please.” I grit my teeth through the pain as I tilt my head to look up at him. The look he gives me is one I have never seen before.

“Uh, we’re gonna leave you both to talk.” Allison’s words tell me I’m missing something. I hear them begin to move but my question has them all halting.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance