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“Yeah,” I spit out, annoyed. King pins me with a look that tells me I’m treading on thin ice talking to her like that.

“Why not ask the brother?” Bishop, King, Ally and I all turn toward Gage.

“What for?” King asks.

“He would be the one to know if she has any medical conditions.” I grind my teeth hating that he might be right. I climb to my feet slowly, Ally follows my lead and blocks my path to the stairs that will lead me to Dimitri.

“Knight, please, he’s just a kid!” Her plea falls on deaf ears. I gently move her to the side where King grips her around the waist holding her in place. I make my way up the stairs with her shouts following. I pause outside Mela’s room door—Ally put Dimitri in Mela’s room while she sleeps with them each night. I turn around when I hear footsteps behind me, then glare at Bishop and Gage.

“I don’t fucking need you to help me!” I grit out.

“Too fucking bad. Now are we going in, or are we gonna stand and play with each other’s cocks?” I scowl at Bishop but open the door none the less. I pause in the entryway, Bishop and Gage both at my back. Dimitri isn’t asleep like expected, instead he sits on the edge of Mela’s bed staring directly at me. For the first time since meeting this kid I see something more than fear in his eyes, resignation. I move toward him and he slowly climbs to his feet with his hands clasped in front of him. I leave a foot of space of between him and I, running my gaze over him and immediately know I can’t hurt this fucking kid!

“I-is she dead?” I shake my head, his shoulders visibly relax.

“She’s hurt.” Dimitri swings his gaze to Bishop. “We need to know if she is allergic to anything?”

“N-no, she has IBS and that’s it.” I screw up my face in confusion. “Irritable bowel syndrome.” I nod my head acting like I know what the fuck that is, but I really don’t. “Is she okay?” He looks to me as he asks that question. I debate if I should answer him or not, but when his eyes begin to cloud with tears, I curse beneath my breath and answer the kid.

“The doctor is with her now,” is all is say. Just because I won’t hurt him doesn’t mean I trust the fucker.

* * *

Dimitri and I lean against the wall outside the closed door of Koby’s room waiting for the doc to come out. I keep playing Gage’s words over and over in my head, did my brother really save her because of me? I’ve had days to ask her this question but the truth is, I’ve been avoiding anything to do with Rook. We refuse to hold a wake for him because none of us want to believe he is actually gone. The opening door pulls me from my thoughts. I push off the wall and stand straight watching as the two nurses head out, the doc is the last to leave the room closing the door behind himself.

“Is she okay?” Dimitri rushes to ask. The doc smiles kindly at the kid before focusing on me.

“I’ve cleaned and treated the wound, she has intravenous fluids and antibiotics as well. I’ve also put a feeding tube in…” I cringe internally, she has only been fed two or three times since I locked her up. “She has a couple broken ribs, a UTI from soaking in her own… mess.”

“And the other thing?” I find myself asking.

“I’ve taken some blood. I’ll have it rushed to the lab and we should have results within a day or two.” I nod unsure what else I’m supposed to say.

“Can I see her?” I cut a glare at the kid. Doc places a hand on his shoulder, in a fatherly way.

“She needs to rest and recover. It’s best for her to rest right now. It may take a couple days for the fever to break and for her to wake up.” Dimitri deflates but nods. I thank Doc as he leaves. Dimitri turns to follow him, but I grip his arm and pull him with me. He doesn’t struggle against my hold when he realizes I don’t give a fuck what Doc says, I’m going to see her.

I stand frozen at the door. Dimitri breaks free of my hold and moves to her bedside. I can’t stand the sight of her looking deathly. Turning, I storm out of the house. I don’t think as I take off out the door and drop down onto the stairs out front, letting the early morning breeze cool my heated body. What the fuck have I done? Am I that fucked up in the head that I would potentially hurt the woman who could be carrying my kid?

“Fuck!” I shout as I stab a hand through my hair, angry as fuck. I never fucking wanted kids, they weren’t part of my life’s plan. I’m not cut out to be a… to be a fucking parent! I sigh when I hear the front door close. Bishop, King and Gage drop down beside me a moment later. None of them speak a word for a long time, each of us lost in our thoughts.

“What are you gonna do?” King’s question has the air rushing out of me. If I had the answer to that I wouldn’t be sitting out here.

“I don’t know,” I answer honestly. Bishop sighs beside me. I peer at him out of the corner of my eye.

“I know you… care about her but I need the information at whatever cost.” As much as I hate myself for it, I nod my understanding. I don’t hold it against him. He is the head of the family and has a job to do. Koby is the enemy and has intel we need in order to move against her family.

“I’ll do it.” The three of us turn toward Gage who sits on Bishop’s other side. B scoffs, causing Gage to narrow his eyes. “Don’t think I can break the girl?”

“How am I supposed to believe that, when you just admitted not long ago of trying to help her?” A sly smirk crosses Gage’s face, an uneasy feeling spreads through me at that look.

“The easiest way to break someone is to gain their trust first, give me three days and I’ll have the intel you need.”


I slowly blink my eyes open, immediately a soft moan tumbles from my parched throat. Something moves beside me and I recoil on instinct. The room is dark and the only light source comes from the small lamp in the corner. I should feel relief when I realize it’s Knight who stands beside me with a cup with a straw in it, but I don’t. I sink further into the pillow behind my head and look away. I’m in a room that I have never seen before. I lift my hand and cringe when I see a cannula in it. I follow the tubes that lead to IV bags hung on a pole beside me. I move my legs surprised that they are not bound as well, then shift my left shoulder and hiss. Knight crowds me once more but I pin him with a look that has him glaring at me in warning.

“Drink the fucking water. It will help.” Begrudgingly I do as he says when he guides the straw to my mouth. I take a long drink. When I don’t choke or cough, I keep drinking until there is nothing left. Knight places the cup on the bed side table before sitting on the edge of the bed. I grit my teeth to keep from lashing out at him. I know I said I would take whatever he dished out but I didn’t think he actually would, then he got one of his lackeys to punch me in the face. The hit hurt, but what hurt worse was the fact he stood there and watched, not lifting a fucking finger to help me. “You need to tell me.” His voice is barely above a whisper.

Tags: Samantha Barrett Romance