Page 43 of Instant Billionaire

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I feebly struggle against the ropes tying my limbs, the effort from only breathing out of my nose making me lightheaded.

“Oh look, she’s awake.”

The fabric is ripped off my face, and I blink back the harsh light. Isabella towers over me, smug as ever. I notice a few of her men standing behind her. What did they think I could possibly do to her in this state? The rest of the room comes into view as my vision clears. The dripping water comes from the pipes lining the ceiling and creates a puddle in the corner. Judging by the gray-colored walls and the smell of seawater, we’re in some kind of fishing shed. For all I know, we could be in a completely different state. Either way, I’m nowhere near the office or Johnathan, and I’m tied up and phoneless. I’m so screwed.

“Have a nice nap?” Isabella smiles wickedly.


“I’m impressed, by the way,” she says, circling me. “I never would’ve pegged Johnathan to hire someone as plain as you to help him take us down.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Oh? Do you?”

She takes her phone out of her pocket and flips the screen my way, the security footage of the office staring back at me. My cheeks are hot as I watch Johnathan press me up against the wall, the moment between us on display for me to see. How many people has she shown this to? Isabella drops her phone with a look of satisfaction. This woman is pure evil, and she knows it.

“What do you want?” I ask, desperate to find a solution.

“Nothing you can offer. Although I guess I should be thanking you. With you as my hostage, I can probably negotiate an even better deal.”

“Johnathan wouldn’t give up his company just to save me.”

“Are you sure?” She looks down at her phone and swipes across the screen before flipping it my way. “That doesn’t look like a quick fling to me. What’s your take on it?”

My heart hammers in my chest as I stare at a still of Johnathan and me laying on the couch, his smile genuine and loving. How did I not notice that before?

“I think that you won’t get away with this.” I look at her. “You can’t just use people to get what you want.”

“But I already have.” She laughs. “Do you honestly think that all of this was my father’s idea?”


“My father is powerful, yes. But business deals are not his strength. Neither is making friends. I scouted out Johnathan at a party long before Frank and my father ever met on the putting green. Once I did a little research, it wasn’t that hard to set the stage.”

“So, you did all of this for what? Money? Power?” I balk. “You killed Frank Ronsberry as if he was nothing.”

Her face twists in annoyance. “I didn’t kill Frank. He killed himself eating those disgusting sandwiches he loved. Saved me and my father the trouble of doing it ourselves, so hooray for small miracles.”

My head is spinning. I wish I had a way to record all of this and get it to Jax, but I’m helpless with these ropes tied around me. I’m nothing more than a captive audience for the Isabella show.

“I guess I should also thank you for organizing those files so nicely for us. The way that things were moving before, I was starting to think those files Frank hid were just a myth. It’s a shame I have to kill you. I could’ve used you to clean up my father’s office.” Isabella’s nails dig into my skin as she grips my face. “What do you say? Want to work for the bad guys for a little while?”

I open my mouth as wide as I can and bite her hand, a surge of pride flowing through me as she yelps back in pain.

“You stupid bitch!” Isabella screams as she slaps me across the face. One of her men moves in closer with a taser, but she holds up her good hand to stop them. “Leave her. We have places to be. Besides, with the storm coming in, she’ll freeze soon enough.”

With all the adrenaline pumping through me, I didn’t even notice I’m not wearing anything but my work attire. Isabella glares at me as she rips off a piece of my shirt and ties it around her hand. “Put the tape on her mouth and let’s get out of here. I don’t want to keep Johnathan waiting.”

No. She can’t leave. I try to think of something to keep her here, but my mind draws a blank. What can stop a woman so evil?

“Is this how you plan to raise your child?” I yell as the guys close in on me. “This isn’t a good environment to raise anyone in. Don’t you want them to have a good life?”

Isabella stops, and I smile. I’ve got her. I guess she isn’t heartless after all. But as she slowly turns to face me, my confidence plummets, and I’m terrified of the look on her face. The evilest look lingers in her eyes as she rubs her flat stomach.

“Do I look like the kind of person who would do anything to mess up this gorgeous body? You’re just as naïve as Johnathan. No wonder he chose someone like you.”

The tape is smeared on my mouth, and Isabella ushers her goons away. I try to scream, but the tape traps it inside. The fear bubbles up fast as Isabella closes the door and the lock clicks shut. I can’t let her get away with this. I teeter back and forth, trying to break free of these bonds. All I need is my hands and I’ll be able to get free. Then I can get to Johnathan and…

Tags: J.J. Love Romance