Page 42 of Instant Billionaire

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“I can’t believe this!” I yell. “Both of you have been going behind my back this whole time?”

“Well, it was originally my idea,” Jax stutters.

“And it was a shitty one. I can’t believe that you put Kylie in this kind of danger.”

“Me?” He scoffs. “We wouldn’t be here in the first place if it wasn’t for you and your father’s illegal antics.”

“Only because you insisted for me to hire your sister.” I groan loudly, fed up with it all. “My investigation left us under the radar. Isa thought she was nothing more than the help.”

I shuffle past the conference table and kick something hard. It skids to the opposite side of the room, and my anger quickly turns to fear as I recognize what it is. Along with something else.

“Where are all the boxes?”

“What?” Jax asks, irritated. “Johnathan, focus.”

“I am. Kylie and I had this stack of boxes here full of evidence.” I pick up Kylie’s clutch from the floor. “Isabella must’ve caught Kylie last night and took her along with everything else.”

“Are you sure?” Jax asks.

My mind clicks everything together at once. “That’s why Leo wanted to have that meeting last night. It was to lure me away so Isabella can go snooping around the office.”

“So, what do we do now? If you knew where she was, I could call David try and assemble a team together and storm the place. But if Isabella discovered the jump drive, it’s over for all of us.”

I zip open the purse and smile. “Well, that’s one thing she doesn’t have.”

I toss Jax the jump drive, and he sighs in relief.

“Wait, who’s David?”

“Don’t ask…” He puts a hand up as he drops himself down into a chair. I think about asking again but quickly realize it doesn’t matter anyway; Kylie is the focus here.

“Okay, but we still have no idea where she’s keeping Kylie.” Jax leans forward and rubs his temples as if it might help him think.

“I might know where Isa’s keeping her. She usually has meetings at a place down by the docks, but you have to wait for my signal before you go there, or they could kill Kylie before you ever reach her. These guys tend to not play by normal rules.”

“What’s your plan?” Those words seem to rattle him a bit.

“Depends. How long will it take you to put a team together?”

Jax grabs his phone and texts someone; it chimes back in about thirty seconds. “I can have a team together in less than an hour.”

“Perfect. Isabella should be meeting us at Le Chatue to sign the contract in about an hour and a half. Once she’s there, I’ll let you know, and you should have enough time to see if that’s where she’s holding Kylie.”

“But what about you? Won’t you have to sign the deal to stall Isabella and Leo?”

I stare out at the sea of buildings before me with a heavy sigh. “If this takedown plan of yours is as foolproof as I believe it to be, then I’ll stall them long enough for you to take them down too.”

“My plan didn’t account for you signing the deal, Johnathan.”

“I know. But it might be the only way to save Kylie.” I turn toward him. “So, are you in or out?”

Jax smiles at me with a fire in his eyes. “Let’s go save Kylie.”



I wakeup to complete darkness and the distant sounds of dripping water. Where am I? My arms ache behind me, and a quick tug tells me that I’ve been tied up tight to a chair. The cloth around my face leaves only enough room for my nose. I guess she didn’t want to kill me just yet. I can still hear Isabella’s eerie laughter as she took everything from the office, and I shudder at the thought of being tased again. Panic begins to set in. I threw my purse hoping that Johnathan would find it in the morning, but if he’s going to the signing, he’ll never see it. And if Isabella took all the evidence, that makes Johnathan’s freedom plan useless. And without the jump drive, Jax can’t put Leo away after the meeting. This is all my fault. I need to get out of here and fix this! But how?

Tags: J.J. Love Romance