Page 16 of Instant Billionaire

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I open my mouth to correct her, but she’s already gone. A scream bubbles in my throat, and I down the last bit of my morning coffee to calm my nerves. Great, now I have to play nice with a bunch of drunk, rich snobs later and pretend to miss my old man. And with Isabella on my arm. Of all people. The thought of receiving all of those condolences exhausts me. Was I really trapped into this life forever? The buzz of the intercom saves me from my thoughts, and I brush the sweat off my palms before pushing the button.


“Mr. Ronsberry,” Cindy crackles through the speaker. “Ms. Kylie has just arrived. She will be up in a moment to see you.”

“Thank you, Cindy.”

The speaker goes dead, and I can’t help but give into the excitement coursing through me. Now is not the time for Isabella and her dinner plans. For now, everything is about getting the new girl up to speed.

My old desk stares at me from the corner, the small vase of fresh flowers I placed next to the desktop the only bright thing in the room. My henchmen didn’t even question why I wouldn’t give my assistant her own office, and I’m grateful. The less people questioning me the better. I hope Kylie doesn’t find it too forward of me to have her so close. I’ve tried to convince myself that it’s because of my undeniable attraction for her. But I know deep down it’s because I’m terrified of being alone in this office. It’s as if my dad’s ghost is going to pop out at any moment and tell me how bad of a job I’m doing. I glance back at the piles of papers with a heavy sigh. Isabella wasn’t wrong about keeping appearances. Messy or not, this office has to get back up and running today. Thank God Kylie is on her way up to help. I don’t think that I can do this without her.



I smileat the lady behind the desk as she hands me my brand-new badge, the Ronsberry Law Firm emblem freshly printed above my name.

“Take the elevators on the left and head up to the fortieth floor,” she instructs, pointing down the hall.

“Thanks.” I nod, my heels echoing as I cross through the lobby. The guards nod at me as I pass, their eyes cold and uninviting. Johnathan wasn’t kidding. This place is intense. But so am I.

An elevator opens, and I stand aside as a group of men step out. They don’t even notice me as they talk amongst themselves, and I slide into the elevator before it closes. At least I’ll have a minute to myself before I see him. The thought alone makes me blush, and I grip the handle of my soggy umbrella tighter. It’s no big deal. I’m just on my way up to see my new boss. Every flight I climb brings me closer to him, and the butterflies in my stomach won’t quit.

My brother’s accusations from last night echo in the back of my mind, deepening my blush. I need to get a grip. Today is all about business. No matter what happens, I have to keep my cool.

The elevator doors open, and I step into long hallway lined with offices. Nothing but men in suites either talking to clients or glued to their screens. How am I supposed to find Johnathan in this place? I wander around with my head held high. It’s not like I don’t belong here. I’m a member of this company just like the rest of them. Even if I am a bit lost.

A huge, wooden door at the far end of the hall sticks out from the others, and I slink closer. The handles are gold with the letters “F R” engraved on the front, the ghost of a plaque in the middle of the door. There’s no doubt about it. But just to be sure, I knock on the door with authority.

“Come in.”

His voice sends my heart into a frenzy, and I grip the handle.Calm down, Kylie. Don’t let him see you sweat on the first day.

He stands in front of a massive desk covered in papers. The more I look around, the more I can’t help but think of those hoarder shows my mom watches on TV. Is this really the CEO’s office?

“You made it.” Johnathan smiles at me, extending his hand.

I step into the room and firmly shake his hand. “Did you really expect me not to show?”

“I was hoping I’d have more time to organize.”

His hand lingers on mine for a while, and part of me hopes that he brings me closer. I wouldn’t mind being in his arms again. Especially the way he looks in that suit.

I let my hand fall and take a step back, fully taking in the place. “Your dad sure left a mess.”

“Oh, don’t worry about all of this.” He waves a hand. “I’ve come prepared.”

He leads me away from the mess to a lone desk in the corner. Not as massive as his, but good enough. I hang my purse off the back of the chair and notice the small “welcome” sign sticking out of the flowers. A gentleman through and through.

“Since today is my first day as well, I thought we could get you familiar with what goes on here at Ronsberry.” He leans over, his arm brushing against mine as he starts typing on the keyboard. I swallow hard as he continues. “I’ve had HR set up your email and company profile.”

“Great,” I say, voice neutral. It’s all I can do to focus as he guides me through a tour of the tools I’ll be using. It’s all so straightforward and organized. I can’t help but glance back at the papers behind us. “So, if you guys have such a tight system, what is all of that?”

“That,” he sighs, standing back up, “is my father’s life work. He liked to keep things old school, so the most important files are, well, somewhere in that mess.”

“Any chance you need a hand sorting it out?” I look up at him. “I’m a pretty good organizer.”

He turns toward me, his body inches from mine. “Where would you suggest we start?”

Tags: J.J. Love Romance