Page 15 of Instant Billionaire

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“Will you stop worrying?” I sigh. “I’m not some helpless little kid, you know.”

“I know.” He blows me a kiss. “Goodnight, Kylie.”


The boxes surround me as I collapse back in my bed. The past few days replay in my mind like a movie. His scent faintly clings to the front of my dress from the hug he gave me before we left. Just the scent alone stirs my insides.

The sound of the TV in the other room is all the cue I need to turn off the lights and slide under the covers. No chance that Jax was coming to check on me in his drunken state. I know he can be protective, but I’m not a little kid anymore. I’m a woman. And my desires are strong.

My dress falls away, and I’m back in the hotel room with Johnathan. I twirl my fingers around my clit at the memories. Was he thinking about me tonight? Was he touching himself to the memories of being inside me? I can still see those hungry eyes of his from across the dinner table. Nothing on that menu was going to satisfy him. Only the taste of me. I twirl my fingers faster, back arching as I live in my memories.

Oh, Johnathan.

I lay back breathless and sink deeper under the covers. This morning I was a jobless newbie, and now I’m set to start my very first day with my one-night stand bright and early tomorrow. This is too unreal. But I’m not complaining. Not at all.



Oh,how I loathe this place.

The rain slides down the windows that overlook Manhattan as I do my best to straighten out this mess of an office. Mounds of papers cover most of the place, including the long meeting table that sits dusty on the far side of the room. Various photos of my dad line the walls. No family. Not even a company photo. Just Dad shaking hands with whatever new politician or rich investor approached him that day. His smug face stares at me from across the room as I stand behind his desk. It’s only eight in the morning, and I already crave something stronger than coffee.

The mahogany monument that my father spent most of his life behind is a sea of chaos. Nothing but unlabeled folders and a coffee mug full of old pens. How did he even get anything done? If anyone tries to break in and steal the family secrets, good luck to them. Not that they would get very far with the amount of security we have downstairs.

I glance at the clock hanging above the door, my palms sweaty as I set down yet another stack of papers by the window ledge. Kylie will be here in a few minutes. Just the thought of her brightens my day. When Jax first suggested her as my assistant, I thought it was another one of his sick jokes. But now that I’m here knee deep in papers, I can’t help but count down the moments until she arrives. There’re so many things that I have to teach her. If only I can get this place organized so I can think. Maybe the meeting table will be a better place to start.

My phone vibrates, and I manage to pluck it out of the mess in time, Isabella’s name written across the screen. Speaking of messes.

“Well, this is a surprise,” I answer. “Don’t tell me that your credit cards have stopped working.”

“Hilarious.” Her tone is dry as usual, not even a hint of emotion sparking her tone. Did I marry a person or a robot?

I thumb through an overstuffed folder with a sigh. “What do you want, Isa? I’m busy.”

“Is that anyway to talk to your wife?” she snaps. “I called to remind you about the charity dinner tonight. Your dad was supposed be the guest of honor. You’re welcome.”

Crap. That was today, wasn’t it? I abandon the folder on the desk and shift the phone to my other ear. “I was thinking about canceling that appearance. They should be more than understanding since their guest of honor is six feet under.”

“What? No! You have to go!” she yells. I guess she’s human after all.

“I don’t have to do anything. I’m the CEO.”

“Exactly. Johnathan, think of how weak you’ll look to the competition if you don’t attend. As the new CEO, it’s your job to keep this company running and maintain its reputation.”

She has a point. My dad always went out of his way to show up to every event he could. It was the main philosophy of his success. The more they see you, the more they fear you.

I lean back on the edge of the desk and watch the rain fall with disdain. I hate when she’s right. “Fine, I’ll go.”

“Good. What time should I be ready?”

I nearly fall onto the floor. “I didn’t realize you were invited.”

“Well, how would it look if you showed up to such an important event without your wife? And at such a trying time. We both know you need all the support you can get. What a better way than leaning into sympathy?”

She’s a snake and she knows it. I glance at the clock and panic sets in. Kylie will be here any second, and I still haven’t written down her task list. How will it look if I’m unprepared for her? I was the one who offered the position after all. Whether I like it or not, Isabella has me cornered. “Fine. I’ll have someone pick you up at five.”

“Five thirty.”

Tags: J.J. Love Romance