Page 12 of The Keeper

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My hands start moving, and suddenly…I’m holding drum parts.

I follow her out into an alley behind the club where a white van is parked. As I help load her equipment into the back of the van, words come out of my mouth that seal the deal for me.

“Okay. I’m in.”


like blue irises


Ever had a night when everything seemed to go right? Well, that was tonight. First, I got a call saying the Crush Foundation was going to fund my music program and send a player to help teach. Then I had this killer show with my band in a packed house. Then a hot guy came up to compliment us. He sort of shut me down, but still…

I feel like I can’t lose tonight and it’s making me feel a teensy, tiny bit reckless.

Okay, a lot reckless, if I’m being honest.

I kind of want to make out with that guy.

We ended up at an apartment just off the Strip. Massive and fancy, I’d bet it belongs to a celebrity, but I don’t know who. It’s super loud, with the bass thumping so hard I can feel it down through my chest. The hot guy told me his name, but I couldn’t hear him. It sounded like he said “Valium” which didn’t compute. Val… maybe? It’s far too loud for talking, so I’m sort of dancing while he stands awkwardly, beer in hand, mostly staring at me. He looks conflicted, for lack of a better description, like he’s left the stove on at home and wonders if he should run out and take care of it.

“It seems like you’re not into this party!” I yell to him over a Kanye West song.

He looks confused. Okay, so talking is off the table right now. I put my hands up and then point to his hips, playing charades with the guy to get consent to touch him. He looks down, then at my face, then at my hands, before finally shrugging. I take that as a yes and put my hands on his hips, trying to get him to match my movements.

Gads, this guy is awkward. It’s not that he doesn’t have rhythm. He does, and from the looks of him, he’s got a fit, powerful body. The awkwardness isn’t about his body. It’s more about the way he looks around the room, like the concept of hanging out with a bunch of strangers makes him feel icky or confused.

I motion for him to focus on me, and he manages to do that, his dark, azure-colored eyes remarkably intense as he works to focus his energy in one place. Those unique and striking eyes of his…Just wow. I’ve never seen eyes his color or intensity of blue. They remind me of the blue irises my mother has grown in her flower garden all my life.

But somehow, when those blues meet my browns, it does the trick. We move our bodies together to the music, my hands now at his hips, our eyes never leaving each other’s as we dance.

He never touches me. One hand grasps a beer, the other hangs at his side. But he also doesn’t ask me to move my hands, and I wonder if maybe he’s just shy. Or this kind of environment isn’t his thing. Especially since he’s new to town.

Someone walks by with a tray full of vodka shots, so I grab one and toss it down, then do a second one, just for a little liquid courage. We dance some more, the warmth of the alcohol snaking its way through my veins, my movements becoming more in tune with the music, less worried about the guy in front of me. I move my hands away from his hips to above my head as Arctic Monkeys’ “Do I Wanna Know” comes on. Seriously, it’s like the sexiest song, and my body moves along with the slow groove all on its own, my eyes closing as I let the words envelop me.

As the song ends, I open my eyes and find the new guy staring at me, a darkness in his eyes that wasn’t there before. God, he’s hot. I’ve never met such an intensely sexy man. He’s so tall, so strong looking, smells insanely delicious, and is just so…gorgeous.And I might never get the chance to do this again, so feeling bold, I lean in and lay a kiss on him.

At first, he’s stiff, but after a heartbeat, his lips soften. It’s not the hottest kiss I’ve ever had, and I can’t tell if he’s into it or not. When I pull away, he looks shocked at first, then his lips pull down in a slight frown. Well, there’s my answer. I feel my cheeks heat, embarrassed, and turn away. There’s no way I’m staying here after that. I’ve never had a guy reject me so earnestly.Weird.

I should say good night to my bandmates, but I don’t want to go back inside once I’ve reached the door, so I send them both a text before heading out to find a cab.

Just as I slide inside the first one that stops, Blue Eyes slides in next to me.

I look at him, open-mouthed, and he leans in as the cabbie awaits instruction on where to go.

He kisses me.

Soft and tentative, this kiss is only slightly hotter than the last one. But still, he pulls away, that conflicted look back on his face as he says, “I’m sorry, I have to go.”

Then he hops back out of the cab, shutting the door, leaving me to squeak out my address to the driver, wondering what in the hell just happened?

As I unlock the door to my apartment, I breathe into my hand, wondering if my breath stinks or something. Why would he follow me out, kiss me again, and then leave? And I still don’t have a clue what his name is.Does it matter, Billie? You’ll never cross paths again.Whatever. It was fun until it wasn’t.

I know one thing. I need a shower. I start the water, stripping and stepping into the spray with a sigh. After wetting my hair and lathering up with soap, I find my mind back on the guy with the strange, iris-blue eyes. His hair short but shaggy on the top and sides, and the prettiest colors. I decide he looks a little like a panther in human form but not as confident. What a strange guy.

Without much thought, I find myself rubbing at my nipples, now peaked and hard at the thought of this attractive stranger. My hand moves between my legs, fingertips plucking at my sensitive clit, hot water sluicing over my nipples.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had such a quick physical reaction to someone, and I’m a bit mortified by the way it turned out. I guess I’m out of practice. It was enough, though, to wake my body up. I flip the stream to steady, spreading my lips to expose my sex to the sharp jet of water, my free hand pinching at my hard nipples, electricity shooting to my core, climax coming fast and hard, enough to take my breath away and make my vision go fuzzy. I step out of the shower in a daze, the sexy stranger’s face the only thing I can see clearly.

Tags: R. Miller Erotic