Page 19 of Cruel Deception

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A thrill travels through my core at the way he claims me as his own. Following his orders, I kneel down, the carpet plush beneath me. Daniil takes obvious pleasure in my compliance; the corners of his mouth tip up in a taunting smile that makes him look brutally handsome. “I see you can follow orders. That’s a good start, printsessa.” His thumb brushes over my lips, pulling down the bottom one as far as it will go. “Now, undo my pants and take my cock out.” His voice is husky and rough and betrays how worked up he is. Worked up for me.

My fingers land on his belt, making quick work of opening it, and then undoing his fly. I keep my eyes locked with his, an attempt to radiate confidence. A slight tremor in my hand is the only tell that I’m nervous—in way over my head. If he notices, he says nothing. His penetrating eyes stay glued on my own.

I reach into his open dress pants and take out his impressive length. His cock is big and thick, harder than I’ve ever imagined one could get. “Oh shit,” I mumble.

He lets out a strangled laugh, then moves my hand away, fisting himself. He gives his cock a few hard strokes as a bead of pre-cum drips from his swollen head, and he wipes the moisture on my cheek.

He’s doing this to punish me, to humiliate me—except that’s not its effect. I don’t find his actions demeaning; I find them hot as hell, and the smell of his arousal makes me shiver with pure need.

What’s wrong with me?

I lean forward, trailing my lips against his length. I smile when he twitches beneath me. Fire lights my skin as I take a deep inhale, his musky scent consuming me from the inside out. My seduction might be planned, but this moment is as real as it gets.

“Fuuuck. You look so beautiful like this,” he whispers harshly. “My very own fuck doll. And that’s all you’ll ever be.” His angry words pierce my consciousness. With my hair wrapped around his hand in a tight grasp, he rubs the head of his cock against my lips before thrusting forward. His erection breaches the seam of my lips, and he stuffs himself into my mouth, all the way to the back of my throat. I choke a little, and he strokes my face gently, a stark contrast to the harshness of his actions.

“That’s right, sweet girl. Let me hear you gag on it. I want tears to run down your face and ruin your pretty make-up.”

Fuck this man. He wants to prove I’m in over my head, that I can’t handle him. But I’ll prove him wrong.

I might be inexperienced, but I’ve read enough romance books to know I need to breathe through my nose while my mouth is full. His movements are rough and greedy. His hips buck and roll as I wrap my lips tighter around his cock and allow him to set the pace. When a groan rips from his throat and he tugs at my hair, a thrill shoots through me.

I may be the one kneeling, but I’m in control here. He’s intent on my every move, his expression is almost pained as he throws his head back, a tremor running through his body.

Studying his face, I make note of every expression, every grimace and mumbled curse. I want this moment seared into my memory forever. The way he balances on the edge of agony and ecstasy. I did that to him. All me.

With a final anguished cry, he lurches forward, one hand holding me in place as his cock empties in my mouth. He doesn’t warn me or offer to pull out. He’s teaching me a lesson. Don’t play with the big boys unless you can handle it.

“Look at me when you swallow my cum.” Such a harsh demand, but I give him what he wants. My eyes are glued to his as he jerks in my mouth with a roar. I’m not ready for the flood down my throat, but he bucks hard, holding my head in place as l work to swallow every last drop. Even after, as his cock softens, he stays inside my mouth, breathing harshly. Fire erupts under my skin, and I squeeze my legs together, desperate for my own release.

One finger strokes over my cheek. “I see Jorge trained you well.”

The heat I felt just a moment ago dies instantly. Doused like water poured over a fire. I flinch. I should have known this is where his mind would go.

He doesn’t offer me his hand or provide any help as I push off the floor. He turns his back on me, as if I’ve been dismissed now that he’s used my mouth. It’s humiliating, although I think that’s the point.

My blood boils, but even as I take my leave and head to the bathroom, I remind myself I’m playing a long game. Andplayingis indeed the operative term. Because as much as I enjoyed that moment, I came to him with one intention and one intention only.

I will use any means necessary to acquire his trust, and then I will use that trust for my own gain.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror, shocked by what I see. The red from my lipstick is smeared across my face, and mascara has pooled under my eyes. My skin is blotchy, and I have sex hair, but damn if I don't feel a spark of satisfaction.

Daniil’s unsteady breaths, guttural groans, loss of control—that was all because of me. His unaffected facade cracked like fine china on a stone floor.

I did that to him. A small victory.

It’ll take more than cruel words and a rough blow job to break me. I have more at stake than he could ever imagine. I’d rather die than lose, and if that’s what it comes to, I’m willing to make that sacrifice.



New York is washed out,the sky a blanket of dark clouds as we make our way through morning rush-hour traffic, heading to Daniil’s penthouse. It’s a stark contrast to what we’d just left—sunny Miami, with its heat, vibrancy, and color. And now this drab city is to be my new home.

Daniil is beside me in the back seat of the Escalade, his face obscured by the newspaper he’s reading. The man has been a wall of ice since last night. We slept in separate rooms and have barely said two words to each other since this morning.

From the corner of my eye, I discreetly take him in. Freshly showered and shaved, his suit neatly pressed. He looks expensive, and he smells divine, like citrus and sin. Flickers from last night come back to me unbidden. He hasn’t mentioned what happened between us, but I wonder if he’s thinking about it as much as I am.

Every filthy word, every debased act is branded in my memory. Me on my knees while he thrust into my mouth like I was his plaything. My seduction served a purpose, to get closer to Daniil, but it also left me hot and needy.Aching. Even after he left me rather unceremoniously on my knees.

Tags: Monica Kayne Romance