Page 66 of Always You

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“Something old, done. Something new, my dress,” Star said with a smile. “Something borrowed …” Her hand went to the tiara that was holding her hair in place; she’d borrowed it from Laura. “Something blue …” Star gave a shy smile, both mothers aware of the baby-blue underwear she was wearing under her wedding dress.

Skylar burst into the room, her father hot on her heals. “Mummy! You look like a princess. Doesn’t she, Daddy.”

“She does, angel. Damian is one lucky man,” Christian said, kissing Star on the cheek. “Now, Skylar, you make sure you get Mummy to Damian okay – you are playing a very important role today. I’ve got to go and take my seat.”

Skylar rolled her eyes at him. “Of course, Daddy. Hurry up, don’t be late!” she said, and pushed him towards the door.

The photographer rushed in, taking some final photos of Star, Skylar, and the mums. This was a time for family. Star looked up at the heavens and sent a loving prayer to her sister before heading to the door, where her father waited to escort her to the love of her life. It was time to make an honest man out of Damian Hunt; this time, she wasn’t letting him get away.

Emotion flooded Damian’s face as he’d watched Skylar and Star approach him. They’d decided to get married at Lucas and Mary’s home. The Manor was big enough and they had set up a marquee in the grounds. They had even arranged for yurts for any of the younger guests who wanted to stay over, while older guests were offered rooms in either the main house or the guest lodges. The house had been overrun with wedding planners and organisers for days, but Mary had taken everything in her stride and had loved the fact she could have a say in how things went. Laura, Toby, and baby Catherine were guests in the house. Laura had gone into labour a couple of days after Damian’s return, and baby Catherine Lily Grant had come into the world six hours later. Toby was a goner from the first instant, and Skylar loved being a big cousin. Laura had decided that being a bridesmaid would have been too much with a four-month-old, but had arranged Star’s hen party and had done all the things a maid-of-honour would have done.

Walking down the aisle towards Damian, Star’s heart soared. She finally felt like she was coming home. It had been a rocky road to get here, but she knew they were stronger for it. When the priest had said for better or worse, they had both looked at each other and shared a smile. Their journey had been far from easy, but now they had each other, it could only get better.

Later, as they took to the floor for their first dance, Star finally got a chance to look up at her husband and truly absorb the love that shone from his eyes.

“I love you, Mr Hunt,” she whispered.

“I love you, Mrs Roberts-Hunt,” Damian said, knowing Star loved the fact that she had taken his name, but had kept her own so that Skylar didn’t feel like she’d lost something.

As the dance ended, Skylar joined them on the dancefloor, throwing her arms around both their legs. Damian bent down, scooping her into his arms.

“I’m so happy,” she said, wrapping her arms around both their necks.

“I’m glad,” Damian said, pulling his two favourite girls closer and smiling at her.

“No,I’mreally happy,” Skylar said more forcefully.

“Why’s that?” Star asked, looking at her daughter.

Skylar looked at her, as though she were clearly missing the point. “Well, I have two mummies,” she said. “Even if one is in heaven, and now I have two of the best daddies.”

Skylar squeezed them both tight before squirming out of Damian and Star’s arms and running back to Christian, who smiled, before turning his attention to his daughter. Star looked up to see Damian’s eyes swim with emotion as he watched their daughter. Resting her hand on his cheek, she captured his gaze, radiating all her love before pulling his mouth to hers. They were a family at last, with their whole future ahead of them.

As their lips touched, a soft breeze brushed through the marquee. Star knew Lily was looking down on them all and smiling.

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