Page 6 of Always You

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“Say no more,” he said, patting her shoulder in solidarity. “I just wanted to check how the changes we discussed are coming along? You put forward a very convincing plan, young lady.”

“They’re fine – everything will be ready for tomorrow morning. Hopefully, once he sees the presentation, we can arrange for the Account Manager to get the client in early next week. I know they’re desperate to start this phase of marketing as soon as possible to catch the new season.”

Lucas nodded, then grimaced as he rubbed his chest, and it was Star’s turn to frown. “Are you okay, Lucas?”

“Just some indigestion.” He smiled, waving off her concern. “I ate a pie from the restaurant and obviously it was too stodgy for my old body,” he said. “Don’t you worry about me, I’ll see you in the morning.”

Lucas continued to the door and exited just as his driver pulled up outside. Star turned and carried on towards the lift, only to bump straight into Jackson.

“That looked all very cosy, chatting to ‘Lucas’,” Jackson said, making it known he’d heard Star had used Lucas Hunt’s first name in her concern for him.

Star fumed at her slip. She knew yesterday’s reprieve had obviously been too good to be true. The smirk on his face said everything. Soon he’d accuse her of sleeping her way to the top. Arriving back at their desks, she heard Jackson make a crack to some of the team about her “getting cosy with the boss”. Most chose to ignore it, but some sniggered along with him. Star was getting sick of his games and his constant need to undermine her position. Walking up to his desk, Star hissed, “Instead of worrying so much about me, how about working on the figures you still need to give me for the presentation. Everyone else has pulled their weight, apart from you. I expect them on my desk by the end of the day.” Star didn’t wait for a reply. Between her mother and Jackson, today was turning into a nightmare.

Grabbing her phone, she sent a quick email to Laura, letting her know her mother was a no-go on the babysitting front, but promising she’d arrange a babysitter for an evening out. Star didn’t want to put on Laura or Toby’s parents any more than her friends; they had already done so much. She knew that Laura would be vocal in her thoughts on Daphne’s lack of grandmotherly support, but Laura also knew she wouldn’t be able to say too much as she wouldn’t want to risk Skylar overhearing.

Putting aside her personal life, Star threw herself back into the project. She needed to ensure everything was done early, as she still had a Tudor House to construct today. She’d made a promise, and those promises were unbreakable, whatever else was going on in her life.


The next morning, Star had an earlier start than usual. Skylar had been up with the sun to check on her Tudor House. The night before, Star, Laura, and Skylar had spent the evening gluing the structure together. Star had lost count of the number of times Skylar had replayed the YouTube video on her iPad; she almost knew the script word for word. By the time they’d called it a night, Star had to admit they had produced a fantastic project. Toby had had his ear chewed off for twenty minutes and had been shown every little detail of the house when he’d arrived home.

This morning when Star emerged from her bedroom, she’d found Skylar downstairs, evaluating the structure.

“What are you doing?” Star asked.

“I’m deciding on the paint,” Skylar said without taking her eyes off the house. “I looked up the colours in my book, and I need black paint for the wood and window frames, and white for the walls, and we need a brown, red colour for the roof. Plus, it needs to look like tiles. I’m not sure how to do that.”

Toby entered the kitchen behind Star and said, “Well I have just the thing, squidge.”

Skylar’s attention went straight from the house to her uncle Toby. “What?” she asked.

“Skylar!” Star warned.

“Sorry, Uncle Toby, what is your idea? Please,” Skylar said with wide eyes, and Toby laughed.

“Well, I was thinking, we have some coloured paper left over from your craft box. We could cut those up into tiles and then stick them on the roof. We have some brown paper and some red and orange. We could mix them up and see what it looks like.”

“Oh yes, that’s brilliant,” Skylar said, hugging him.

“Okay, now that’s sorted, go and get yourself ready for school, young lady, or we’re going to be late,” Star said, sending Toby a grateful glance. “Thank you,” she said as Skylar left the room.

“No problem! I’ll be home early tonight and I’m happy to take on roof duty, if it’s still outstanding. I can’t have you ladies having all the fun.” With a cheeky wink, Toby grabbed his bag and headed out the front door.

Alone, Star stared at the structure that was fast becoming a full-on architectural project, a lump forming deep in her chest at the love directed at her daughter by her friends.

It was time to get ready, take Skylar to breakfast club, and then meet Lucas and the Account Manager, to go through the final presentation. Breakfast this morning was going to have to be at school, but Star knew she’d spent a lot of time with Skylar this week, so didn’t feel quite so bad that they wouldn’t be sitting down together for once. Today wastheday.


Star knew as soon as they pulled up at the school gates that something was wrong. Parents were everywhere, looking flustered and some even angry. Walking towards the entrance, Star was greeted by more parents and a flustered-looking Head Teacher.

“I’m sorry, there is nothing I can do. The school is flooded – it’s not safe for the children and therefore we have to close for the day. I’m sorry for any inconvenience,” Mrs Morris said.

Star glanced at her watch. She knew she was already pushing it to make her eight-thirty meeting with Lucas. Now she’d be lucky if she made it at all.

Skylar had run off to play with some of the other children she knew from breakfast club, oblivious to the turmoil Star was now facing.

“Ms Roberts, a quick word?” Mrs Morris asked, inching her way towards Star and away from the other parents. “Ms Roberts, Mrs Grant wanted me to tell you she’ll be home soon. Due to her condition,” Mrs Morris whispered, “she’s not permitted to stay in school to assist with the clean-up. She said to tell you she’d be home within the hour and is happy to have Skylar for the day.”

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic