Page 43 of Always You

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“Then what? Something spooked you,” Damian said resting his hand on her arm, his thumb rubbing small light circles.

Turning back to look at Damian, Star captured his hand in hers and brought it to her lips. “Christian Dupree is Skylar’s biological father.”

It was Damian’s turn to look shell-shocked. His mouth opened as if he were about to say something before closing it again. “I think you’d better explain,” he finally said.

“It’s not a pretty story,” Star took a deep breath. “When Lily moved to London, she starred in that small play. We went to see her in it a couple of times. It wasn’t one of the main West End shows, but she had a reasonable part and the show was getting some good reviews. Christian went to see the show with his friends and took a shine to my sister. He started sending her flowers and invited her out to dinner. Lily became a challenge when she didn’t fall straight into bed with him. She said he was relentless in the ways he was trying to win her over, and found herself laughing and falling for him. He was charming.” Damian huffed before sending Star a look of apology. “After about two months, she agreed to go on a date with him. He worked in London, was attentive and loving … He’d phone her every night after her show and showered her with presents. Not expensive, but thoughtful presents. He won her heart.”

“Go on,” Damian said.

“About six months in, Lily started to feel really tired, all the time. She was losing weight. Initially, she thought it was the theatre hours she was keeping and the partying with Christian. The rest you know. She no longer had the strength required for six shows a week, and so she left the production and came home. The producer was great, offering her a leave of absence. He thought she was an amazing actress.”

Damian’s hand clasped Star’s, the warmth of it radiating up her arm, offering her his strength.

“What happened with Christian?” he asked.

“When she initially spoke to him, she didn’t know she was pregnant. She only found out as her treatment was about to start.”

“But Christian knows about Skylar?” Damian asked.

“When Lily found out she was pregnant, she went to see him at his family home. She felt he had the right to know that they’d created another human being together. She was so in love with him. Christian’s father slammed the door in her face and called her a lying, filthy whore. Christian simply stood there. She was devastated.” A growl emanated from Damian, but he let Star continue. “She had hoped he would at least care for his child should she not survive … Instead, something broke inside her. It was then that I promised her I would love and care for her daughter should anything ever happen to her. Lily’s body gave up towards the end and they had to bring Skylar into the world earlier than expected. Lily got to see her daughter but the cancer had progressed so far, that it was simply a matter of days, not weeks. We had already arranged guardianship – Toby’s dad helped. The paperwork was signed. Christian came to the office, signed the papers, and left, and that was the last time I saw him. Lily passed later that day. I think once she knew Skylar was safe, she let herself rest. She’d fought so hard, Damian, at the end it was a relief to see her pain-free.”

Damian pulled Star into his arms, cocooning her against his chest, his warmth soothing the pain engulfing her. Star could hear the rumble through Damian’s chest as he offered soothing words of comfort. Eventually, Star pulled herself away, wiping her face with her hands and giving an apologetic smile. Damian shook his head.

“So what did Christian say tonight?” he asked.

“He simply asked after her. It made me feel uneasy. Why after all this time when he has shown no interest in his daughter would he suddenly want to know how she is? He even said he’s been thinking of getting in contact for a while. What if he wants to take her away from me?”

“No one is going to take Skylar away from you. You’ve adopted her. She is your flesh and blood, too.”

“But his family have so much money, they may decide he can give her a better life than I ever could. Look at me, Damian. I live in the same house I lived in when I was at university, a house that I share with my best friends.” Star’s heart beat faster, panic overtaking rational thought. “I can’t lose her, Damian.”

“He signed his rights away, from what you’ve said. Skylar is your daughter.”

In Star’s anxiety, she wondered if Damian was regretting getting involved with her again and being embroiled in all this drama. She pulled away from him, moving towards the door of the car.

Damian turned to Star, taking her face in both his hands. “Don’t,” he said, “don’t begin to doubt us. I’m here now and I appreciate you being honest with me. Don’t let Christian Dupree cause you to doubt yourself or your ability as a mum. You are amazing, Star, and Skylar is lucky to have you. Thank you for trusting me. Most people would not have done what you’ve done. Let me help you – you are not alone. Should Christian get in touch, I want you to let me know.”

Star nodded, feeling exhausted. Damian interlocked their fingers, dragging their hands to his lips before resting them in his lap. This was not how she’d expected this evening to go. Potentially, she would now be working with Christian Dupree. She wasn’t sure Damian had realised that. Was she strong enough to fight the Dupree family alone?


Arriving back at Damian’s parents’ house, Star left Damian to check on Skylar while Damian went to update his father on the meeting. Skylar was sound asleep, curled up in a four-poster bed, in a room larger than both of their bedrooms put together. She looked so peaceful, totally unaware of the chaos that had erupted this evening. A sense of pain sat heavily on Star’s chest. Christian had asked after Skylar. He’d seemed genuine. Yes, it was six years too late, but surely late was better than never. Maybe she should have given him more time to talk, to find out what he wanted.

The door opened behind her, chasing her thoughts away as Damian came into the room, wrapping his arms around her from behind and dropping a kiss on her neck. “She looks peaceful,” he whispered.

Star smiled, resting her head back against his shoulder. “Skylar has always slept well. Her head hits the pillow and she’ll remain there for the next twelve hours.”

Bending down, Star kissed Skylar’s head. It was then she noticed her daughter cuddling a stuffed German Shepherd teddy.

“Ah, Mum must have given it to her,” Damian whispered. “I saw it in one of the shops. She may not be able to take one of the real puppies home, but she can have a stuffed version.”

Star’s heart clenched at his thoughtfulness. What were they going to do when he returned to the New York office …


Star awoke early, aware she didn’t want her daughter to find her sleeping in Damian’s bed. They’d made love before talking late into the evening. Falling asleep in Damian’s arms felt comforting, like coming home after a long period away, and her body knew it was where she was supposed to be, as she’d slept better than she had in years.

Star got showered and dressed, before walking into her daughter’s room, only to find her bed empty. Panic flooded her body as she wondered if Skylar had gone looking for her and couldn’t find her. Where would she be? Perhaps downstairs playing with the puppies? At the bottom of the sweeping staircase, Star stopped. She could hear faint laughter coming from the kitchen. Walking down the wood-lined corridor, Star headed in the direction of the noise, her daughter’s giggles becoming louder the closer she got. Star paused outside the heavy door. She could hear Lucas and Skylar chatting in the kitchen. Mary was trying to be stern with Lucas, which seemed to be sending Skylar into even greater fits of giggles. A smile blossomed on her face as she pushed open the door and entered.

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic