Page 30 of Always You

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Star had found Lily crying late one night, so had climbed into bed and curled up next to her. Lily had taken Star’s hand and placed it on her stomach, while Skylar had performed a merry dance inside her. Filled with wonder at the tiny miracle, they’d both given in and cried that night. Cried for the future they knew Lily couldn’t escape, except by a miracle. They’d both loved the little bump that was growing, and it was at that point that Star had promised her sister that, whatever happened, she would always be there for them. She hadn’t been able to save Lily, but she had been able to take her daughter and raise her, as she knew Lily would have wanted, surrounded by love.

Star wiped her face and smiled. “I remember Skylar kicking – she never gave Lily a moment’s peace once she realised her mum would play with her.”

“I remember too. Lily would be so proud of that little girl. What I should say,isso proud. You know I believe in guardian angels, and I know she’s here with Skylar every day – and with you,” Laura said softly.

“I like to think so. I hope she’d be happy with the way I’m raising her daughter. She gave her life to ensure Skylar made it into the world.” Star looked up and smiled. “On a happier note, Skylar and I are heading into the office today. I have some appraisals I want to get finished and the office will be empty, so I thought I’d take her with me and she can use the desk to finish her project. She told me you’d helped her sort out all her baby pictures last night ready for her scrap book. I don’t know how I’ll ever thank you for all you do.”

Laura smiled. “It was fun. We enjoyed looking at all the baby and toddler photos. I reprinted them all. Plus, we found some of you, me, and Lily when we were younger. I told her lots of stories about the mischief you and Lily used to get up to, and she lapped it up. Anyway, I’ll be calling in favours once this little one arrives – you can count on it.”

Chapter Ten

Skylar never complained when she had to go into the office. To her, it was an adventure. A trip on the tube and a walk to the office, often followed by a hot chocolate with all the trimmings and a muffin. What six-year-old was ever going to turn that down. Plus, she loved the staff, as they all spoiled her rotten. Today, however, was different, as it was Saturday. Star was not expecting anyone in today, which was why she was hoping she’d be able to get in, finish her tasks, and then she and Skylar would be able to grab something to eat and head home.

Skylar had brought her latest school project with her. They were creating a My Life book. Laura had helped Skylar collect photographs of family and friends, which she was sticking into a scrap book and labelling. They had bought a new glue stick and marker pens for her to use, so Skylar was super-excited to get on with it. Star knew it would offer her some time to complete her own work, which meant a win/win for everyone.

Star set up her laptop in the meeting room, and put newspaper down to protect the desk, before letting Skylar paste and stick to her heart’s content.

Engrossed in her work, Star did not notice Damian’s approach until Skylar squealed, “Damian!”, snapping her out of her work trance.

“Hello, Skylar. Lovely to see you. What are you doing here today?” Damian had hunched down next to Skylar’s chair and was looking at the photos she had spread out over the desk.

“I’m here ’cause Mummy had some work to finish, and I have a project to complete for school,” Skylar told him.

“Ah, and what is your project?” Damian seemed genuinely interested.

“I’m creating a book about me,” she said, flipping to the beginning of her scrap book, showing Damian all the pictures she had already stuck in. “This is me as a tiny, tiny baby. I was so small when I was born, I was in an incubator. I was only thirty weeks.” Damian looked up and caught Star’s gaze before returning his attention to Skylar. Flipping to the next page, she said, “This is Mummy Lily.” Star froze. “Mummy Lily was very sick when I was born and she died. She’s an angel now and it’s why I live with Mummy.”

Star watched as Damian swallowed hard, realisation crossing his features. “I knew your Mummy Lily,” he said to Skylar.

“You did?”

Damian now had Skylar’s full attention.

“I did. I knew both your mummies before you were born.”

“Mummy Lily was an actress in the West End – did you know her then?”

“I did,” Damian said, his eyes gleaming as he realised the joy he was giving the little girl who wanted to hear about her mummy. “I went with Mummy Star to watch her a lot – she was brilliant on the stage.”

Damian had developed a close relationship with Lily, when it was obvious how serious he was about Star. Lily had been the protective older sister, giving him the third degree on his intentions for her sister, but he’d won her over within no time, and they’d all spent a lot of time together when Lily hadn’t been on the stage performing.

Once Damian had exhausted his stories, Skylar went back to showing him more of her pictures. There were a number of pictures of Star, Lily, and Skylar together, although it was obvious how ill Lily was by this point. There were photos of a growing Skylar in her incubator, only Lily was no longer there. She’d died before Skylar had been released from hospital, so the photos switched to only Star and Skylar together. Damian didn’t comment, but listened to the little girl telling her story. He kept his eyes averted from Star, for which she was grateful. Star knew the story; she’d lived it. But it still hurt to speak about Lily, and she wasn’t ready to answer his questions – questions she knew he would have.

Skylar continued to talk and Damian continued to ask her questions. Star decided to shut them out and get on with her work. It wasn’t until a little later she felt Skylar shake her arm.

“Mummy, can Damian come to dinner with us?” Star looked up, surprised to see Damian was still there. All the photographs had disappeared and Skylar’s scrap book looked to be full. Glancing at the clock, another hour had gone by. Had Damian been here the whole time and helped Skylar?

“I’m sure Damian is busy, Skylar,” she said, giving him an out should he wish to take it.

“Are you too busy?” Skylar asked Damian, a small wrinkle forming between her brows.

Damian smiled at her. “No, I would love to come to dinner with you. Where are you going?”

Star shot Damian a look. What was he doing? She’d just given him the perfect opportunity to get out of eating dinner with a six-year-old and he’d not taken it. “We were going to go to Mama’s Pizza – it’s my favourite,” Skylar informed him.

It wasn’t a fancy restaurant, not like the ones Damian obviously frequented.

“Mama’s Pizza sounds perfect. I’ll just pop up to my office and grab my things. Are you ready to go?” He directed this last part to Star.

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic