Page 12 of Always You

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Gerry took the seat opposite Star and opened the file he was carrying. Star instantly recognised the emails and documentation she had sent the previous day.

“Just to let you know, Jackson Brown is upstairs with one of my colleagues clearing out his desk,” Gerry said, finally looking at Star. “We reviewed your documentation, and spoke to Mr Hunt and Mr Brown at length yesterday. As you are aware, Mr Hunt had to leave to spend time with his father yesterday afternoon, but I was able to catch up with him last night.” Star felt a pang of guilt. In all the drama of yesterday, she had forgotten Lucas was heading into surgery.

“Do you know how Mr Hunt’s surgery went?” Star said.

“By all accounts, his surgery went well.” Gerry smiled kindly. “I want to add, following our investigation, the email that Mr Brown sent was unprofessional and inappropriate and constituted gross misconduct. He was unable to substantiate any of his claims. As a result, Mr Brown resigned his position this morning, effective immediately. He is currently being escorted from the premises.” Gerry looked at Star and closed the file in front of him. “It was decided that we would bring you down here to prevent any further disruption. I do hope you understand, and that you can put this nasty business behind you. Your team speaks very highly of you, as does Mr Hunt Senior. We would hate to lose you, Ms Roberts.”

Star’s throat clogged with tears, making it difficult to swallow, let alone speak, so she simply nodded. This past week had been too much. Closing her eyes, she sagged in her chair. With Damian’s return, Lucas’s health, and then Jackson’s betrayal, Star felt like she’d fought a battle. “Thank you, Gerry,” Star said, and tried to sit up straighter. “I appreciate all you’ve done.” Gerry gave her a nod of approval. “Am I clear to go back to my desk now?”

Checking the clock, Gerry nodded. Star knew the floor would be alive with gossip, and that she was going to be the centre of it. Jackson wouldn’t go quietly; he’d make sure he put the knife in somehow. She’d just have to wait and see what came at her. Resigning before they fired him was a clever move, but at least his departure meant she no longer had to deal with him.

Star returned to her floor. Sandra was the first to approach her, soon followed by the rest of the team, who offered their unwavering support. Star had to sit down, overwhelmed by the backing of those around her.

By lunchtime, the initial interest had worn off. Star didn’t hear anything from Damian, although she was sure that he would have been made aware of the situation. She assumed he was with his mother and father, and besides, he didn’t owe her anything. Pam sent her an email, letting her know she was there should she need her. The only caveat – it was Star’s turn to buy the coffee, which made Star smile.

By five pm, Star was ready for the week to end. The weekend was her time with Skylar. This weekend, the weather was supposed to be better with spring well on its way. Star had promised Skylar they could take her new bike to the park, and maybe meet up with a couple of her classmates and their parents. Star was planning the park visit when she stepped out of the lift and collided with a hard, powerful body. Large hands closed around her arms, steadying her. Electricity sparked through every cell his hands touched. Her head shot back, her eyes clashing with Damian’s dark defiant ones. Star tried to step away, but found herself locked in place, her body suddenly too warm. Heat flooded her cheeks as a look of arrogance passed over Damian’s features, leaving Star mortified.

“Sorry …” Star stammered, making another attempt to step away. This time, Damian let her go, causing her to stumble. He caught her arm again, steadying her, but this time let go instantly, although the impression of his hand remained, burned into her skin. How, after seven years, could this man have such an impact on her body? Her mind wandered to the erotic dreams that had plagued her sleep all week, and more heat flooded her body. She needed to get out of here before she made a fool of herself.

Stepping to one side, Damian let her pass. His companion said something and she thought she heard Damian reply, but she didn’t hang around to listen. She needed to escape, to put as much distance as she could between her and Damian Hunt. She needed to spend this weekend getting her raging hormones under control. She’d made a choice seven years ago, but her body, it seemed, hadn’t got the memo.

Chapter Five

When Star arrived at the station, the shutters were down. A swarm of angry passengers surrounded a harassed-looking Underground worker, who was trying to pacify them. A notice was pinned to the shutters stating the line was closed and would be for the next couple of hours. So much for getting home early for a relaxing evening.

Star fired off a quick message to Laura, letting her know what was happening and apologising once again. Laura sent her an immediate reply telling her not to worry about Skylar and to get home safely.

There was not a taxi in sight, although what did Star expect for a Friday evening? Everyone was in the same boat; all office workers wanted to get home. Friday night was renowned for being the quietest night in the City for revellers. Weekdays were for socialising, weekends were for family.

After ten minutes of pointless searching, Star decided to head back to the office. At least her time wouldn’t be wasted. She could call a taxi and finish some work while waiting. By the time she reached her desk, the majority of staff had left for the evening. Star collapsed into her chair and pulled up the number of a local taxi firm. When she finally got through, she was told there was about a three-hour wait for taxis. There had been an accident on the Underground, and as a result, the service had been seriously disrupted, with everyone booking taxis now, it seemed. Star got the same message from every firm she tried.

Star was convinced this week had a vendetta against her, so she decided to use the time to make a start on the team’s appraisals. Uninterrupted time was precious, and what she got done now, would mean less work later. Caught up in her work, Star lost track of the time. The cleaners had been and gone, working round her to get their job done. The sun was finally setting, the office silent apart from the hum of her computer and the buzz of the overhead lights. The ding of the elevator let Star know that someone had entered the floor. Thinking it was one of the cleaners, Star remained focused on her phone, redialling the last taxi company.

“Still here?” Star jumped at the sound of Damian’s voice. “Spending the night here, doesn’t win you any brownie points, you know, especially if no one knows you’re doing it.”

Ending the call, Star spun her chair to face him.

“It’s not by choice,” she snapped. “My train line is down and there isn’t a single taxi in London available. I decided to get on with some work while I wait.” Star stopped herself when she realised Damian was smiling and holding up his hands in surrender. She’d been baited. “Sorry …” she muttered.

“No harm done. I’m heading home. If you want a lift, Marcus should be here in five minutes, and he can drop you where you need to go.”

Helpful Damian had Star’s nerves on edge. Who was she to turn down a lift, especially tonight … She wanted to be home to tuck Skylar into bed. Marcus could drop her off at her car; it wouldn’t be the first time. Lucas had come to her rescue on a number of occasions in the past when there had been problems with the train.

“Thank you,” she said, gathering up her belongings.

Damian’s phone buzzed to indicate Marcus’s arrival. An awkward silence stretched between them as they headed down in the elevator. They both wished the reception staff a good weekend, automatically talking over each other, then stopping. Star’s heart was pounding by the time she reached the car. Always the gentleman, Damian jumped in front of her and opened the door.

“Thank you,” she said. A memory of their time together flashed before her eyes … Damian making a sweeping bow as he had held open the door to a waiting limousine, looking striking in his full dinner suit. She’d been in a full evening gown, one he’d purchased for her. He’d explained she was his guest and on a student loan, so she shouldn’t have to waste her money on frivolous items because he wanted the pleasure of her company. She had been a first year, when Damian had been in his fourth year at university. That evening, she’d truly realised who she was dating. It was the night she’d first met Lucas and Mary Hunt, and most of the board of Hunt and Hunt Advertising Group. Star had known who Damian was, but after that evening, she finally understood what was expected of him, his legacy. They’d discussed it, but his future had always been just that – words. It was why, just two years later, she had had to walk away from him. She’d had to let him go.

“Evening, Miss Roberts,” Marcus said, snapping Star out of her memories. “Usual drop off?”

“Yes, please, Marcus. It’s very kind of you,” Star said, a flush reaching her cheeks as Damian got into the car next to her, his muscular thigh brushing up against her leg, sending jolts of pleasure straight to her core.

Star shifted further to the other end of the back seat.

“Not the first time?” Damian asked.

“What?” She was startled out of her trance.

Tags: Zoe Dod Erotic