Page 94 of Spades

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Perhaps that was why he’d shot Declan too. He figured that Declan would help point me in the direction of Eric, and taking both of us off the map would keep anyone from finding out his dirty secret.

Regardless, my heart was heavy for Misty.

“Oh, god,” I whispered. “What’s going to happen to her?”

“No one’s going to hurt her, if that’s what you’re asking,” Declan said. “I called Abe after I got my shower and explained everything. There’s a female alpha a few cities south. She’s on her way here now. She’s gonna help her get the hang of things and invite her into her pack. Misty hadn’t drunk yet, and she wasn’t trying to eat anyone’s heart out, so she seems to have good control over her hunger.”

A wave of respite washed over me. “Thank god.”

“Yeah, I feel sorry for her, but…” He set the coffee between his thighs and forced his smile to return. “Anyway, I got the flowers and shit for you this morning. I wasn’t sure if it was the right move, but that’s how I realized you were missing. I got to your house with the flowers and doughnuts, and Ria answered, and she said you didn’t make it home, and…” He sighed. “Then we went on a wild goose chase.”

Digging into the bag and tearing off a chunk of the pastry, I arched a brow at him. “One minute I’m a sundae, the next I’m a goose. You really know how to sweet talk a lady.”

His smile widened. “I could be mistaken, but your sarcasm makes me think you aren’t so mad at me anymore?”

Was I? Not as much as I was last night.

“I’m nothappyabout what you said yesterday.” I took a sip of my coffee. “But I getwhyyou said it.”

“You do?”

I lifted a shoulder. “You were trying to keep something like what happened from happening. Wolves… You guys communicate differently than the rest of us when you’re together. Sorta seems like the word ‘mine’ doesn’t mean to me what it does to you.”

Relief lightened his gaze and settled through his shoulders. “It does in an environment like that, yeah. It wasn’t… I wasn’t saying you belonged to me. Or that I’m ready to get down on one knee, or that we’re ready for something we aren’t. I meant what I said the other night. Neither of us have to do anything we don’t want to. But I know how much words matter to you, and I’m sorry mine hurt you. That wasn’t my intention, but it was my fault, and I’m sorry.”

I chewed for a moment, gazing down at the doughnut before me.

Ownership, no, I was not okay with. But if Declan calling me ‘his’ meant he’d rip out the throat of a man who’d busted my face open, maybe I wasn’t opposed to it.

Of course, I wouldn’t tell him that. Couldn’t stroke his ego over something I’d thrown a fit about the night before.

But maybe I was okay with this.

“Well, as long as you don’t let your buddy tell me to only speak when spoken to again, I think we’ll be alright.” I gave a smile as I met his gaze. “It’s okay. I’m sorry I got so upset. It was just… All those guys, and Tommy being the way he was, it…”

“Was frustrating already, and I didn’t help. I know. You had every right to be upset. It won’t happen again.” He reached out for my hand, and I accepted it. “With all that said though, are you still done with me?”

My smile grew. “Nah, you’re alright. I think I’ll keep you.”

He laughed, tightening his fingers around mine. “Oh, I can’t say you’re mine, but you can say you’ll ‘keep me?’”

“I didn’t mean it how you took it,” I quoted in a mocking bass.

Declan laughed. “Well, for what it’s worth, I’m yours to keep.”

My smile inched higher, aching my cheeks. I leaned in and touched my lips to his.

As his warm hands cupped my face, his rough lips brushed mine, and the warmth of his embrace enveloped me, the same thought I’d had a moment prior reverberated through my mind.

Maybe I’m okay with this.

* * *

Tags: Charlie Nottingham Fantasy