Page 22 of Sins that Define Us

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My brows fly up. I was just with her, and she was fine, but I figure it’s just some baby thing that I don’t need the details on. Phoenix stiffens, though, and turns his attention to Kane. “Is she—”

“I already called the doctor, and he’s prescribing her some vitamin things that are supposed to help with the baby sickness,” Kane interrupts, though his worried eyes betray his casual tone, and I’m a thousand percent sure Phoenix can hear the subtle nervousness in his voice. “She seems okay.”

I think the one thing I hate about the pregnancy more than anything is that it’s unpredictable. She’s young and healthy, but shit can just…go wrong. For no fucking reason. And I cannot lose her like that.

“So…we’re hitting pause,” Phoenix says.

Kane drums his fingers on the edge of the desk in thought. “I want to amass a team—a private one. I want you to go through your index and call in every trusted favor we can. I want eyes on Leo, Marco, and Guido at all times. And the moment it looks like they’re going to step out of line, we act.”

“Even if you’re in the middle of speaking your vows?” Phoenix challenges.

Kane’s jaw tenses, but he nods. “Even fucking then. This wedding is important, but not at the expense of anyone’s safety. I want you two to start doing some fieldwork before we call anyone in, though. Before shit has the potential to hit the fan.”

“Priority?” Phoenix asks the question that was on the tip of my fingers.

“Leo. He’s the one who was able to crack our security,” Kane answers. “He’s the one I want to have a conversation with.”

I think he’s probably going to try to find a way to bargain using Rhys, but I don’t want to know. That’s not my job. I’m not here for negotiation. I’m the one they call in when shit goes wrong and they need to make it all go away.

‘We can start tomorrow,’ I say.

Phoenix brightens the way he’s been doing now that he’s allowed to actually stretch his wings and get his hands dirty. Heturns and kisses me one last time before shoving me off his lap. “I’d better get to work, then.”

I’m a little disappointed, but it only lasts long enough for Kane to wrap his hand around the back of my neck and lead me from the library with purpose in his eyes.

Chapter 6


It’s beena bloody long while since we’ve done anything like this. While we were tracking Kane, it was a lot of driving and sleeping in the car and trying to avoid taking adrenaline shots to stay awake.

This is different.

It’s like it used to be—with me and Ari, except now Phoenix is with us, and Kane is at home making sure nothing falls apart.

I hadn’t realized how much I was missing this—how distant I felt from these men—until I watched the house disappear in the rearview mirror. Everything has been centered around making sure that Alice is okay, keeping Rhys subdued and just on the edge of living, and going forward with wedding plans, that a sudden feeling of neglect creeps over me.

It’s not the first time I’ve felt it. It hits me at random moments, this fear that suddenly I’ll become useless to them. They were just fine before I arrived, and there wasn’t much I could offer to the dynamic. I’m not particularly violent or clever, and I might have the smallest masochistic side to me whenever the boys need it, but I’m not…like them.

With Alice, it makes sense. She offers a balance to them that few people ever could.

But me?

Shit. Maybe this is a last mission before they tell me that I’ve done my part—I’ve put a baby in her—and that’s all they need. Maybe it’s over.

“You’re breathing too fast.”

I snap to attention and realize that Phoenix has turned in the front seat. He’s got one hand stretched out, and he’s searching for me, so I let his fingers graze my knuckles. He grips my wrist and holds on, though he doesn’t tug me close, which I appreciate because apparently, I’m sodding hyperventilating like a sorry littletwat.

“James,” Phoenix says, like he’s using my name to keep me grounded. “What’s happening?”

I take a long breath and try to calm the tremors. “Nothing.”

Ari snorts and taps something on Phoenix’s arm, who laughs and says, “I know. He’s the worst liar. And we can’t fix it unless you use your words, babe.”


My twisting stomach starts to settle just a bit. “I’m having a moment, entirely irrational. Just let me ride it out?”

Tags: E.M. Lindsey Romance