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My cock was already in pain at the mere suggestion. I clenched my teeth at the phantom sensation. "Message received, killer."

She growled, deep and throaty, as I strode down the hall. The screams cut out, leaving an eerie silence. "You didn't even give me clothes, you selfish pig. Say what you want about Decker, but he never carried me so everyone could see my bits flapping in the wind."

I winced. "I'll find you clothes."

"Oh,nowyou'll find me clothes. How generous," she spat.

"Sweetie, what the fuck?" Prodigy demanded when I carried the beta across the landing and downstairs where everyone had gathered.

"I told you I wasn't Guard; I gave you fair warning."

Prodigy gave me a searing look and growled, "Put the girl down."

I sighed and set her feet on the fancy ass carpet, watching her. I waited for her face to go pale when she saw the seven men gathered in the foyer. Her expression hardened, growing even fiercer, as if her strength was directly proportionate to how much danger she was in.

"I'm sorry for the rough way you've been handled," Prodigy said with genuine remorse, coming to stand in front of the girl. "Giant, go find some fucking clothes for her." He gentled his voice again, leaning close to her. "You'll be safe now. What's your name?"

The gleam in her eye was the only warning before she reared her head back, slammed it into Prodigy's face, and broke his nose.

Blood spurted instantly. The beta only grew mere savage, more feral. She drew blood from all seven of us. I should have realised that day I'd fall in love with her.

Tags: Leigh Kelsey Romance